Wanted to post for the dozen folks who have downloaded a copy of this  
extension that I just put out 0.3 which now properly handles Radius  
tags. It still garbles formatting a bit, but it leaves the radius  
tags alone.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: James Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: July 24, 2007 2:22:19 PM EDT
> To: radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
> Subject: FCKeditor Extension
> http://code.google.com/p/radiant-fckeditor-extension/
> I have been working on this since last night and it is finally  
> working well enough that I feel comfortable mentioning it. Now you  
> can use FCKeditor for editing pages. I've added it to the Third- 
> Party Extensions wiki page at the bottom.
> I still need to make it a proper text filter since it currently  
> just clobbers the whole text filtering system for pages. I'd love  
> some feedback. Once I get it working as a standard text filter I  
> plan to integrate an asset manager as an additional extension to  
> compliment it. Eventually I hope to incorporate the configuration  
> into an admin panel to make it easy to adjust FCKeditor's various  
> settings.
> -James

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