I've got a few existing sites that I'd like to add radiant to.  Each  
of them has a more complicated user management setup (multiple roles/ 
permissions) and lots of dynamic content.

I got going with radiant_on_rails and share_layouts so I can get my  
app to look like the Radiant app, but I can't figure out how do deal  
with migrations or overriding the default admin screens.


If I add migrations to RAILS_ROOT/db/migrate, and they have numbers  
less-than the highest number in the RADIANT_ROOT gem migrations, then  
the migrations don't run.  If they have numbers greater than the  
highest number in RADIANT_ROOT/db/migrate, they run, but this seems  

I realize that I can write an extension that migrates via  
db:migrate:extensions, but my apps are already fully formed, and I  
need to write several migrations to coerce the existing data into the  
new format.  In that sense even if I wanted to put the code in the  
extensions, the migrations really belong in the app itself, not the  
extension, because the extension would be completely un-reusable.

For folks who use radiant_on_rails:  how do you migrate?

Overriding Views:

I have in my app an admin/user/index.rhtml view, and I've added the  
RAILS_ROOT/app/views above RADIANT_ROOT/app/views in environment.rb.   
But when I go to the user screen, I still see the built-in view.  How  
can I overwrite these in my extensions/main rails app?


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