> I have a radiant 0.6.2 setup with admin_parts and a few 
> extensions, which are
> working just fine.
> Now, I want to upgrade to 0.6.4, and replace admin_parts with 
> shards. After
> what I read, the upgrading should go smoothly, what bothers me is the
> admin_parts -> shards migration, I don't see any "good" 
> example of how to
> convert en extension using admin_parts to a one using shards. 
> Anyone has some
> nice pointer I could use ?

Not really, as I never documented admin_parts well, and shards is also a little 
doco-light at the moment.

Here's the diff that I made in my code when migrating from admin_parts to 

-    admin.page_edit_parts.add 'Groggy Article', 'groggy_article', :before => 
-    admin.page_edit_parts.add 'Groggy Comic', 'comic', :before => 'Layout'
-    admin.page_edit_parts.add 'Groggy Venue', 'venue', :before => 'Layout'
-    admin.page_edit_parts.add 'Groggy Article Author', 
'groggy_article_author', :after => 'Title'
+    admin.page.edit.add 'parts_bottom', 'groggy_article', :before => 
+    admin.page.edit.add 'parts_bottom', 'comic', :before => 
+    admin.page.edit.add 'parts_bottom', 'venue', :before => 
+    admin.page.edit.add 'form', 'groggy_article_author', :after => 'edit_title'

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