It seems my problem is that "EnableSendfile" in Apache core is not the same thing as X-Sendfile. Installing mod_xsendfile fixes the problem.

That said, anyone who can test with nginx - please report!


Sean Cribbs wrote:
Last night at our little hack session at John's, I added the ability to support X-Accel-Redirect headers for nginx. It would be great if someone could test this addition with nginx. In config/environment.rb, put this line inside the config.after_initialize block:

ResponseCache.defaults[:use_x_accel_redirect] = true

Since I have running the latest and hosted using Apache/Passenger, I decided to turn on X-Sendfile headers. However, Apache doesn't seem to recognize them and just serves up a blank response (with the X-Sendfile header included in the response). So my questions are two:

1) Is this just a side-effect of using Passenger? Would a proxy scenario (Mongrel, Thin, etc) work? 2) Is there something different Radiant should be doing with other headers to make it work?

Additionally, if anyone could look into conditional GETs and make sure we're doing it right, that would be great.


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