Hi All

I'm running an older version of radiator. 3.6 to be exact.

I would like to redirect users when they are capped. I do see the ascend client 
dns attributes, but I cannot seems to figure out how to use them only when a 
user is capped.

I did read the FAQ and saw how they used the ascend dns attribute but it 
doesn't seem to help me for capped users only.

I've tried this, which has failed badly I get WARNING: No such attribute 
Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS . From my radius.cfg

<AuthBy SQL>
                Identifier             AuthLocal

                DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=visp;host=
                DBUsername     radiator
                DBAuth                  xxxxxx
                Timeout         2

                                AuthSelect select CAST(CASE WHEN adsl.token = 
'test_online' THEN \
                                'x.x.x.x' ELSE 'x.x.y.y' END AS varchar) as \
                                dns, adsl.pass_word, adsl.adsl_class_id, \
                                adsl_disconnect_time_bw_cap (%0) as 
session_timeout, \
                                login_limit, adsl.token \
                                from adsl_accounts adsl, services s where \
                                adsl.bw_allowed <> 0 and adsl.username=%0 and 
adsl.enabled='1' \
                                and adsl.account_id=s.account_id and 
adsl.bw_allowed > adsl.bw_used

                                AuthColumnDef 0, Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS, 
                                AuthColumnDef 1, Password, check
                                AuthColumnDef 2, Class, reply
                                AuthColumnDef 3, Session-Timeout, reply
                                AuthColumnDef 4, Simultaneous-Use, check
                                AuthColumnDef 5, Configuration-Token, reply


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Warm Regards


null: http://ebs.onlinedirect.co.za/3np8

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