Title: Urgent - Radiator does not reply NAS with accounting accept response


How can I configure the Radiator Radius to work in such a way that when NAS send an accounting packet to Radiator, it will reply immediately with accounting response and then proxy the accounting request to multiple Radius Host without waiting for accounting response from the Radius Host?

Reason for this configuration:-
I'm using the Radiator in a GPRS network and it has capability of accessing to the Internet & WAP via GPRS, but I have one issue here is that the GGSN or NAS requires the Radius to response with a accounting response before it will establish a PDP context which will allow the mobile phone to access to the Internet, but due to the behavior of the Radiator Radius Server, it does not reply with the accounting response to the NAS until the Radius Host replies to the Radiator with the response. So when my Radius Host is down, it affects my GPRS network towards the Internet link.


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