al Message-
%From: Jeremy L. Mordkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
%Sent: Viernes, 10 de Enero de 2003 09:26 a.m.
%To: Anton Krall; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) radiator and wireless APs
%Colubris and nomadix both send accounting start, interim accounting
%updates and accoun
Colubris and nomadix both send accounting start, interim accounting
updates and accounting stops. The nomadix also allows for bandwidth
limit settings per user as part of the auth reply. Neither supports a
backwards radius message for disconnect (as far as I know). Both vary
wildly as how they do f
: Re: (RADIATOR) radiator and wireless APs
%Hello Vincent -
%Thanks for your mail.
%FYI - there is now a radius extension called "Disconnect-Request" that
%some NAS software implements.
%It is worth noting however that this support is provided by a stub
%radius *server* in th
: antonkrall
Outside Mexico
Tel: (+52)5233-9281
Celular: (+52)5105-5160
%-Original Message-
%From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
%Sent: Jueves, 09 de Enero de 2003 11:50 p.m.
%To: Anton Krall
%Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) radiator and wireless
Hello Vincent -
Thanks for your mail.
FYI - there is now a radius extension called "Disconnect-Request" that
some NAS software implements.
It is worth noting however that this support is provided by a stub
radius *server* in the NAS, and the Disconnect-Request is sent by a
radius *client*. T
(authenticated bits=0)
by (8.12.5/8.12.6) with ESMTP id h0A6wikX031633;
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 22:58:45 -0800
From: "Vincent Hua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Anton Krall'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PR
Hello Anton -
We have a number of customers using a variety of wireless equipment.
You should be aware that the radius support in this type of equipment
varies considerably, even between versions of the same vendor's
It is the access point that sends the radius accounting starts and