The next Paradigm Shift in American politics 
and American culture.
By default I tuned in to Fareed Zakaria on CNN; I wanted  to watch something
worthwhile, to take a short break, and everything else on the tube at that  
was worthless. Zakaria's guest was David Brooks, a "true moderate"
but nonetheless a very smart man. Zakaria is smart, too, but since he
is in the business of defending Islam and misrepresenting it, I  don't
see where his approach has any value. But Zakaria was interested  in
exploring the meaning of Trump's election.
The trouble with Brooks is that he has no backbone.  He is afraid to  take
bold positions on anything at all,  which is characteristic of  moderates.
But he is quite capable of making astute observations. And one of his
points was that the November 2016 election represented a paradigm  shift
in US politics.
Trump, of course, is too uninformed, too ignorant about too many  things,
and too stupid in many ways, to know what to do with the results  of
his insight that America was ready for a paradigm shift. But he won
because America was, in fact, ready.
What is Radical Centrism really all about?  Is it predicated on the  
that the political status quo is "Good" and is meant to be enduring?
Or is it built upon the principle that the status quo is not good  and
deserves to be replaced as soon as possible?  All of my efforts
for the years since came into existence in 2004  have
followed from the position that we need a paradigm shift in
American politics, NOT gradualist change toward a middle,
not compromise-after-compromise that merely tweaks the
existing political paradigm.
What is a political paradigm shift? Some are obvious like the  American
Revolution when we replaced one system by an entirely new system
that took more than a decade before we finally got it right. 
Another paradigm shift took place under TR,  the next one took  place
under FDR.  The last sort-of paradigm shift unfolded under  Reagan
although you could argue that there was another "sorta" shift brought
about because of  Newt Gingrich in the 1990s.
Anyway, what I'm talking about is along the lines of  Teddy  Roosevelt
more than anyone else. And no-one can argue that TR simply was
more moderate than his political rivals; he was, au contraire, 
much more Radical.
Conservationism (environmentalism), trust-busting, a new form of
Manifest Destiny, etc., even an abortive adventure into equal rights
for 'Negroes.' None of these departures were simply more moderate
versions of then-current politics. In fact, while there could be  moderation
about some matters, about the big issues of the day TR was not
a moderate at all.
What Brooks meant about 2016 was that the old paradigm represented by
the GOP establishment and the Democratic Party establishment
(BHO + Hillary) turned out to be a losing proposition. Heck, we came close 
to having two non-establishment candidates, the other being Bernie  Sanders
who came within about 5% of pulling it off.
Trump remains adrift at sea. He simply lacks the smarts for much else
except muddling through. if, that is, his foolishness doesn't sink his ship 
Trump is also the poster child for what to expect of someone who
does not read books. Or only  reads books at rare intervals
and who has never read books except at rare intervals. His vocabulary 
is 8th grade level, if that. His stock of ideas is meager, everything  
around his ego and his perceived self-interest. And he is such a buffoon 
that there will be people seeking to kick him out of office as long
as he is in the White House.
What kind of paradigm shift is needed for our time? There are several
strands that seem to me to be ready to collapse, but what stands out
is toleration of  Islam.  This ideal is increasingly obsolete,  yet the
establishments of both parties continue to defend that ideal no  matter
how many bomb blasts, no matter how many trucks run down people
and kill them, no matter how many knife attacks, etc, none of that
matters to either the Bushies or the Clintonites / Obama-ists.
How many suicide attacks will it take?  Which will be one too  many?
I think we are getting close, and this also means that some kind of
moderate position about Islam makes no sense. Moderate to whom?
Moderate to what ends?
I think that some sort of moderate position is possible for the  
But I do not see this at all for social issues  -all of which are  personal
and deal with our core values. There needs to be a showdown
and a war of ideas.
There also needs to be balance.  After all, my position is NOT  
Evangelical.  I want to see emphasis on Comparative Religion  in the 
I'm not attacking Islam for the sake of promoting exclusivist Christian  
Yes, I'd like to see a lot of Muslims convert to Christianity, but I  would
be genuinely happy if a lot became Buddhists or Hindus or Jews
or still other faiths.
My position, in fact, is ecumenical and my stand is for the success of  all
"good religions," those that share something like a common morality.
This necessarily puts me in direct conflict with homosexuality.
Just about every religion you can name is opposed to homosexuality
and for damned good reasons.
There is a lot more to it, but basic is not only a war of ideas against  
which is where things seem poised to begin, but necessarily also
against homosexuality and against homosexuals.
Making sure that this is understood as metaphor.....
My model for this kind of war is the First Crusade.
Or Eisenhower's "Crusade in Europe."
Radical Centrism as I see it, is all about creating the next paradigm  shift
in American politics and American culture.
It does not matter who lies about me, who censors me, who denies me
due process, or anything else. I am not about to compromise
about anything at all that I sincerely believe in.

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