Thanks a lot for all your work. 
I experienced the same problem with my set of radios. I havejust 
installed your applet, set all to 30ms and I will report back if it
works (this may take some time as I will test them as they are, not
provoke any bass amp problems - the failures felt pretty random in the
past, but they were triggered by user interactions (at least this was my

mrw wrote: 
> Further to investigations over the last two/three weeks, I have found
> that increasing the Radio's ALSA buffer size to 30 milliseconds is
> proving to be an effective work-around to the problem. Since making this
> change, I have had no instances of "Bass drop-out" in circumstances
> where I would hitherto have had many. And I have not encountered any
> noticeable adverse effects on the Radio's performance as a result of the
> change.
> For anyone else who may wish to try this, I have made an applet
> available, named *ALSA buffer size*, that allows for the buffer size to
> be changed easily, using the standard user interface. I have been using
> it on my Squeezebox Radios, which run the current software version 7.7.3
> r16676. The applet is targeted at Radios, and will not install on other
> Squeezeplay based players.
> I would expect the applet to work identically on earlier versions of the
> software, and on the UE Smart Radio version as well, because the
> software is substantially identical in the relevant area. But I don't
> have those devices available to me and can't explicitly test them.
> Feedback welcome.
> Users of Logitech Media Server (LMS) can install the applet using the
> _Applet_Installer_ menu, which is found in the Radio's
> _Advanced_Settings_ menu. To do that, add the following URL to the list
> of _Additional_repositories_ at the bottom of the LMS _Plugins_ settings
> page. This will make the applet available to the Radio. Make sure that
> that the _Recommended_Applets_Only_ option at the bottom of the Applet
> Installer menu is _not_ selected.
> Repository URL:
> -
> I have found that occasionally the applet does not show up in the
> offered list. In this case, simply back out of the menu and retry. I
> believe that LMS (or sourceforge) is occasionally a bit tardy in
> assembling the list of applets.
> Once installed, the applet will show up as a menu item under the
> _Advanced_Settings_ menu.
> If you wish to remove the applet, reset the buffer size to its default
> setting before removal.
> The applet may also be installed manually. Enable _Remote_Login_ on your
> radio, note the password, and log in using ssh or your tool of choice.
> On a Linux or macOS system this would be:
> > 
  >   > 
  > ssh -l root your_radio
> > 
> Then execute the following commands on the Radio:
> > 
  >   > 
  > wget
  > mkdir -p /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize
  > unzip -d 
  > rm
  > exit
> > 
> The expected dialogue is as follows:
> > 
  >   > 
  > # wget
  > Connecting to 
  > AlsaBufferSize-v1.01 100% 
  7415  00:00:00 ETA
  > # mkdir -p /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize
  > # unzip -d 
  > Archive:
  > inflating: AlsaBufferSizeApplet.lua
  > inflating: AlsaBufferSizeMeta.lua
  > inflating: loadPriority.lua
  > inflating: strings.txt
  > # exit
> > 
> Now restart your Radio, and look for the menu item under Advanced
> Settings. And, remember to disable _Remote_Login_.
> To remove the applet, reset the buffer size to its default setting,
> log in to your radio, and:
> > 
  >   > 
  > rm -r /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize
  > exit
> > 
> Then restart your Radio.
> Any comments or feedback welcome. In particular, confirmation that the
> installation works on a UE Radio would be welcome.

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