Hi everyone,

I have four Squeezebox Radios, all of which work well most of the time. 
But once in a while, one of them (any one of them) will have the little
wifi symbol turn red and stay red.  Sometimes I can go to the network
diagnostics and have it restart the network adapter, and that usually
gets it back online.  But usually when this happens, the box will also
get really slow to respond, and I don't have the patience to wait 30
seconds for each keypress to take effect, and I just reboot the box. 
Rebooting fixes the problem.

I also have two Duets, and I haven't seen the problem happen there,
though I don't use those very often.  I've seen lots of reports of their
Squeezebox networks being "rock solid".  I run LMS on a Synology NAS,
which seems pretty reliable, though it can get sluggish when my son is
running a Minecraft server.

Does anyone have any experience with this problem?  It's infrequent, but
I'm considering expanding my Squeezebox network with Raspberry Pi
players, and I'm hoping someone can help me identify the cause.

Thanks in advance!

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