For the last couple of days, my radio has taken to emitting a loud
'flash' of sound, for lack of a better description, at seemingly random
moments.  Yesterday, it occurred 3-4 times, each about 20 minutes or so
apart, in late afternoon.  

The radio is used as an alarm, set for 7:00am each day.  The alarm
plays an internet radio stream, which is one of my presets.  That part
has been working better for the last week or so than it did initially. 
We seem to be having far fewer instances of losing the MySB server.  The
only time it is played is at bedtime, when it is set to go to sleep in
30 minutes, then alarm in the morning.  The rest of the day it is in
standby.   We've not been able to catch it before it happens, but it
doesn't appear that anything is occurring on the display -- just date
and time as normal.  

Is my radio possessed, or has someone else witnessed a similar


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