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Sjamsir Sjarif

June 5, 2000

                           Earthquake Shakes Sumatra, 58 Dead

                           Filed at 3:38 a.m. EDT

                           By The Associated Press

                           JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- At least 58 people
died and 500 were
                           injured in a powerful earthquake that lasted for
minutes in the
                           Indonesian island of Sumatra and was followed by
dozens of strong
                           aftershocks today.

                           Widespread panic was reported in Bengkulu, a
province of about 1.2
                           million people near the tremor's epicenter, as
rescuers dug through
                           the rubble of ruined buildings in search of
bodies and trapped

                           Ali Muchtar, Bengkulu health department chief,
said 58 people were
                           confirmed dead -- a total that was expected to
rise. Almost 500
                           people had been reported injured, 255 seriously.

                           The quake hit at 11:29 p.m. Sunday and was
centered beneath the
                           Indian Ocean, about 60 west of Bengkulu city,
which has about
                           250,000 residents. The Indonesian Meteorological
and Geophysical
                           Service said the quake measured magnitude 7.3.
The U.S. Geological
                           Survey in Golden, Colo., estimated the strength
at 7.9.

                           The quake lasted several minutes and shook a
wide area. A magnitude
                           6 aftershock hit 11 minutes afterward, and 53
smaller tremors were
                           recorded before 6 a.m. today.

                           ``The quake went on for many minutes. Dozens of
homes have been
                           destroyed and almost all houses and buildings in
the city seem to have
                           been damaged,'' said Bengkulu police Sgt.
Hariyono. ``People are
                           terrified every time they feel aftershocks.''

                           Thousands fled their homes. Witnesses reported
widespread panic in
                           Bengkulu and said hospitals were overwhelmed
with injured people.
                           Electricity and water supplies had been cut.
Many phone lines were

                           ``Many houses have collapsed and the walls on
bigger buildings have
                           been fractured. I helped save three of my
neighbors who were trapped
                           under rubble,'' said Edy, a resident who like
many Indonesians uses
                           only one name.

                           Doctors in Bengkulu treated the injured in the
open, fearing
                           aftershocks might bring down the state hospital,
the official Antara
                           news agency reported.

                           Medical supplies were running low. Antara
reported that some doctors
                           had been forced to perform minor operations
without anesthetics.

                           The city's airport was closed because of damage
to its
                           communications equipment and passenger terminal.
Some roads to the
                           city had ben blocked by landslides.

                           President Abdurrahman Wahid offered no immediate
                           response, saying instead that his government had
to assess the

                           The quake, one of the strongest recorded in
Indonesia in recent years,
                           was felt across much of western half of the
archipelago nation and
                           the neighboring island state of Singapore.

                           The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake's
epicenter was about 20
                           1/2 miles beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean
-- very shallow in
                           geological terms. But there were no immediate
reports of a tsunami, a
                           massive wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic

                           In December 1992, a magnitude-7 earthquake
caused a tsunami that
                           killed about 2,500 people on the southeastern
island of Flores. A
                           magnitude-7 earthquake is capable of causing
widespread and heavy
                           damage in urban areas.

                           Indonesia, the world's biggest archipelago
nation, sits on major fault
                           lines and is prone to frequent seismic upheavals.

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