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I've added you to my RantauNet group at Yahoo! Groups, a free, 
easy-to-use email group service. As a member of this group, you
may send messages to the entire group using just one email address:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Groups also makes it easy to
store photos and files, coordinate events, and more.

Here's a description of the group:

The First Minangkabau Community on Internet since 1992 (Group for Minang People)

<TD VALIGN='top' HEIGHT=83 ROWSPAN=3 width="183" ><a href="http://www.rantaunet.com"; 
target="_blank"><font face="Verdana"><img border="0" 
src="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RantauNet/files/Sticker%20Fix.jpg"; width="280" 
<TD VALIGN='top' HEIGHT=40 ALIGN='right' width="19"><font face="Verdana"><IMG border=0 
height=20 src="http://www.rantaunet.com/images/pojok.gif"; width="18"></font></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR='#CC0000' HEIGHT=40 VALIGN='middle' ALIGN='center' NOWRAP 
width="489"><b><font color="#ffffff" size="5" face="Verdana"><a style="COLOR: #ffffff; 
TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="http://www.rantaunet.com"; 
<TD VALIGN='top' height=41 WIDTH=19><font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></TD>
<TD height=41 align="center" NOWRAP bgcolor="#FFCC00" valign="center" 
width="489"><b><font size="2" color="#0000FF" face="Verdana">KOMUNITAS MINANGKABAU 
PERTAMA DI INTERNET<br>(sejak 1992)</font></b></TD>
<TD height=41 NOWRAP bgcolor="#000000" align="center" width="489"> <font 
face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><b>Mendaftar (subscribe) RantauNet Mailing 
List <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" 
href="http://www.rantaunet.com/subscribe.php3";>click here</a></b></font></TD>
<p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Remote Groups for mirror and archive, 
click links above</font></p> 


Here's my introductory message for you:

just backup, please ignore 


TO START SENDING messages to members of this group, simply send email 

If you do not wish to belong to the RantauNet group, you 
can unsubscribe by replying to this message, or by sending an email to 


Moderator, RantauNet 

SPECIAL NOTE FROM Yahoo! Groups:  Because Yahoo! Groups values your privacy, 
it is a violation of our service rules for moderators to add subscribers 
to a group against their wishes. If you feel this has happened, please 
notify us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

P.S.  If you would like to learn more about the RantauNet group,
please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RantauNet 

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

--- End Message ---

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