--- On Mon, 8/30/10, mye <m...@bali.to> wrote:

From: mye <m...@bali.to>
To: pengajian...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 10:14 PM




Dari ustadz Joban di milis IMSA.
Silakan dinikmati.
Forwarded by mye <m...@bali.to>
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From:    "Mohamad Joban" <mjo...@comcast.net>
To:      <as-sy...@yahoogroups.com>, <ims...@googlegroups.com>, 
<imaam...@yahoogroups.com>, <imsa-sisters-cons...@googlegroups.com>, 
Date:    Mon, 30 Aug 2010 14:52:10 -0700

Where HAS 
all the time gone?  The past 3 wks of Ramadan have just whizzed by, haven’t 
they?  I can’t believe it’s already the 19th of Ramadan.  
So today I’d like to talk about importance of the last ten days of 
What is laylatul 
 It is the night of 
What does that 
The night of Power is better 
than a thousand months.  (so worshipping on this night is better than if 
you worshipped for a thousand months (that’s about 83 yrs, and 4 
months)!   SubhanAllah!   
And what else?  
On this night, God’s decrees 
for the next year are brought down to the earthly plane.  It is true that 
everything has been determined since the 
beginning of eternity and written down in the Preserved Tablet, but it is said 
that during this night, the Angels are informed of the destinies of the 
worshippers for the following year.  It is a blessed Night.  So, 
everything will be decreed on this Night. It is a night when fates are 
determined and it is a night of high standing.  
So when is 
"Search for the Night of 
Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan." [Saheeh 
Laylatul Qadr (the night of Power) could be on 21st, 23rd, 25th, 
27th or 29th of 
Ramadan.   Some say it is more likely to be on the 27th or 
29th…but only Allah knows best.  It is better to worship on all 
5 nights…and cover all your bases! 
One thing to 
note, in the Islamic 
calendar, the new day begins after Maghrib (sunset).  So, since today is the 
19th of Ramadan, 
tonight after sunset it will be the 20th of Ramadan.  Make 
So the night 
of power this year (2010) 
should be sought on the 
nights of Tues, Aug 31, 
Sept 2, Sept 4, Sept 6, and Sept 8. 
If you recall, 
we started Taraweeh Prayer the night before fasting.  Also, when the moon is 
sighted at the end, 
we don’t pray taraweeh the night before Eid. 
According to 
the hadith, the Prophet (SAW) was told when exactly the 
night of power would be.  But as he was about to tell the people, 2 men 
were fighting/arguing.  And this made the Prophet (SAW) forget exactly which 
night it was.  
(Remember, when people fight, satan is sure to be there, just as when people 
worship, the angels are sure to be there.) 
It is also 
said that on the night on power, it will neither be too hot, nor too cold, and 
there will be a slight drizzle.  But Allah knows 
If nothing else, recite the 
shahada at least 3 times each night in the last 10 days.  
Shahada:  La ilaha illal lah, Muhammadur Rasu-lul-lah” 
Which means 
“There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is 
the messenger of Allah”. 
So do you have to stay up 
all night? 
If you can, 
that’s great!  But it is best to sleep for a little while after Taraweeh, 
and then worship in the middle of the night.  You can stay up till suhur or 
worship for a while, and then go back to bed.  You can even set your alarm to 
wake you up a few hours before suhur to worship 
(or even an hour before suhur…whatever you are able to do).  
quality of worship is more important than the quantity of worship. 
 This is not a time for people to stay up all night 
playing video games, or chatting with friends.  The key is to worship…and talk 
to your Rabb (Lord).  An hour (or a few hours) of sincere worship 
is far better than staying up all night goofing off.    
Oh, and remember, witr is 
the last prayer.  So if you plan on waking up in the last part of the night 
to pray, then don’t pray witr after isha or after taraweeh.  Just be sure 
to pray witr sometime before suhur. 
So what can I do to 
worship on Laylatul Qadr (the night of 
1.      You can take that vacation time you’ve been saving 
up and make itikhaf.  That’s when you seclude yourself at the masjid, and 
leave all worldly things for a few days/nights.  Spend time with your Lord, 
without other distractions.  Or take the 
vacation, and worship most of the night (and day too InshaAllah), and not have 
to worry about going to work.  
2.     If you can’t do that, Go to the masjid and pray and worship there.  Most 
mosques have 
programs…speeches, salatul tasbih, etc. 
3.     If you are not able to do that, then pray at home.  
Find a place where there are no pictures of faces (for angels do not come where 
there are pictures of faces).  Make wudhu, and pray, read Quran, pray 
saltul tasbih with your family, read hadith, make 
dhikr (praise), make dua 
(supplication), ask for forgiveness, just talk to your Lord…go to Sajdah…stay 
there a while, cry, beg, 
etc.  Allah (SWT) says ask, and I shall 
give.  So ask!   
was a sheikh who said when he was 12, he thought to himself, if Allaah will 
us anything on this night, what are the main things I really wish for. He made 
list of about 6 things, and asked for them every night (in the last ten days). 
He said 2 years later he had memorized the Quraan mashaAllah (which was one of 
the things 
on his list). 
similarly, Look into your lives and see what it is you need to make them 
complete.  Make your list, and raise your hands up and ask Allaah, from the 
bottom of your heart, what it is you want.  Also, cry if you can, and if you 
can’t, then just try. I know it sounds strange, but once you 
break that shell around your heart, you will become more sincere. 
Also, I tell my kids not to 
ask for just worldly possessions.  (otherwise, they’ll start asking Allah 
for all kinds of toys, etc…LOL).   
Instead, break it down: 
1.     Recite durood first. 
2.      Thank Allah for what he has given you. 
3.     Ask for forgiveness…past, present, and future sins. 
4.     Ask for iman, taqwah, hidayah, health, wisdom, best life 
in this world, and the best in the next; for Quran and islam to be easy for 
you; protection from hell, ask for Jannatul Firdaus (the highest level of 
paradise);  grant victory to the 
muslims;  keep us away from all the shaitans;  save us from the 
punishment of the grave;  show us the straight path, not the path of those 
who have earned your anger, nor of  those who go astray.  Etc, 
etc, etc… 
5.     Then ask for whatever else you want.  J 
And Du’a (supplication) can be made in any language, not 
just Arabic!  J  And when 
there is group du’a, say “Aameen” out 
loud.  According to one hadith, if/when 
your ameen and the ameen of the angels come together, that du’a will surely be 
accepted inshaAllah. 
One other thing, I always 
remind my kids that there are 3 kinds of duas. 
1.     You will get what you asked for right away, or very 
2.     You will get what you asked for…but later…sometimes, much later.  That 
thing you 
asked for may not be the best thing for you till later in your life.  Allah 
knows best, and he wants what’s best for you.  Believe 
3.     The thing you asked for you will never get because it is 
not good for you.  Remember, Allah knows what you do not.  
(Just like a child may really want something, but the parent/adult knows it is 
harmful to that child, or 
it is better the child not get that…but the child doesn’t understand, and he 
gets mad at the adult).  We can not be like that child.  We can not 
get mad at God because we did not get what 
we asked for.  Trust in Allah.  He’s on your side.  He’s your 
best friend.  Talk to him like he’s your best friend (remember when you are 
praying, you are talking to Allah).  Treat 
him like he’s your best friend (don’t forget about him, or abandon him), read 
his letters (i.e., the Quran) and cherish his words.  Remember them, and 
live by them.  And one day, inshaAllah, you will meet 
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