Selamat Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia!

International Anti-Corruption Day
(Ban Ki Moon)

9 December 2009. New York – Kyiv – On the occasion of the International Day of 
Fight against Corruption Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highlighted that 
corruption is one of the biggest impediments to the world’s efforts to reach 
the Millennium Development Goals.

Secretary – General Message:

“The theme of this year’s observance of the International Anti-Corruption Day 
-- “don’t let corruption kill development” – highlights one of the biggest 
impediments to the world’s efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals.

When public money is stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build 
schools, hospitals, roads and water treatment facilities. When foreign aid is 
diverted into private bank accounts, major infrastructure projects come to a 
halt. Corruption enables fake or substandard medicines to be dumped on the 
market, and hazardous waste to be dumped in landfill sites and in oceans. The 
vulnerable suffer first and worst.

But corruption is not some vast impersonal force. It is the result of personal 
decisions, most often motivated by greed.

Development is not the only casualty. Corruption steals elections. It 
undermines the rule of law. And it can jeopardize security. As we have seen 
over the last year, it can also have a serious impact on the international 
financial system. 

Fortunately, there is a way to fight back. The United Nations Convention 
against Corruption is the world’s strongest legal instrument to build integrity 
and fight corruption. A new mechanism decided on at the recent Conference of 
States Parties in Doha means that, from now on, states will be judged by the 
actions they take to fight corruption, not just the promises they make.

The private sector should not lag behind governments. Businesses must also 
prevent corruption within their ranks, and keep bribery out of tendering and 
procurement processes. I urge the private sector to adopt anti-corruption 
measures in line with the UN Convention. Companies -- particularly those that 
subscribe to the 10th principle of the Global Compact, to work against 
corruption -- should pledge not to cheat and should open themselves up to peer 
review to ensure that everyone is playing by the same rules. 

We all have a part to play. On International Corruption Day 2009, I urge all 
people to join the UN anti-corruption campaign at And I 
encourage everyone to make a pledge: never to offer or accept a bribe. Live by 
that motto, and the world will be a more honest place – and we will increase 
the chances of reaching the Millennium Development Goals.” 

More information: 
Victoria Andrievska 
UN Office in Ukraine 
Communications Officer This e-mail address is being protected from spam 
bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it 
Tel.: +38 (044)254.00.35 


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