Assalaamuálaikum Wr. Wb. Pak Saaf dan sanak yang budiman dan dirahmati ALLAH 
Ambo singkek se nyo Pak Saaf, baa manuruik Pak Saaf kalau awak bulekkan 
dukungan ka Uda Rizal Ramli, karano nan lain track record alah jaleh bana, ndak 
paralu lo ambo uraikan do, baa kecek urang banyak tau samo tahu se awak..walau 
ambo ndak punyo pretensi untuak mambawo mailist ko ka satu arah se...
Defiyan Cori L/40

--- On Fri, 1/30/09, Dr.Saafroedin BAHAR <> wrote:

From: Dr.Saafroedin BAHAR <>
To: "Rantau Net" <>
Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 5:30 PM

Assalamualaikum w.w. para sanak sa palanta,
Menjelang Pilpres bulan Juli mendatang ada manfaatnya bagi kita mengikuti 
bagaimana sistem pemerintahan presidensial Amerika Serikat dilaksanakan dalam 
praktek. Alasannya sederhana saja, yaitu oleh karena memang dari Amerika 
Serikatlah sistem pemerintahan presidensial ini berasal.
Kita beruntung dapat membandingkan seorang presiden Amerika Serikat yang 
terburuk dalam sejarah negara adi daya itu  -- George W. Bush -- yang entah 
bagaimana bisa terpilih dua kali, dengan Presiden Obama yang berpotensi menjadi 
seorang presiden Amerika Serikat terbaik.
Sungguh menarik, bahwa para pemilih Amerika Serikat mampu menilai secara 
obyektif para presiden dan calon presidennya  -- tidak ada 'bonek' yang 
fanatik di negeri itu -- dan bahwa para calon presiden bukan saja benar-benar 
diuji visi dan missinya, tetapi juga karakter dan kemampuan intelektualnya. 
Lebih dari itu, para calon presiden yang kalah secara langsung dan sportif 
bukan saja menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada lawan-lawannya tetapi juga 
bersedia duduk dalam pemerintahan mantan lawannya itu.. Itu yang dilakukan oleh 
Hillary Clinton.
Ada lagi. Pergantian presiden ternyata memang dapat merupakan awal dari 
pergantian kebijakan nasional, dalam hal ini dari kebijakan yang pro majikan 
dari Partai Republik menjadi kebijakan yang pro buruh dan rakyat banyak dari 
Partai Demokrat. Inilah yang dilakukan Obama, dengan mengeluarkan serangkaian 
kebijakan yang sangat monumental.
Sehubungan dengan itu, secara pribadi saya berpendapat bahwa kita juga perlu 
mengkaji benar-benar rangkaian kebijakan yang pernah diambil oleh para mantan 
presiden dan para calon presiden dalam berbagai jabatannya di masyarakat. 
Ada tujuh orang calon presiden yang akan datang: SBY, Megawati, Wiranto, 
Sutiyoso, Prabowo Subianto, Sri Sultan, Rizal Ramli. [Gus Dur kelihatannya 
sudah keluar gelanggang, juga Rizal Mallarangeng.]. Pertimbangan khusus perlu 
diberikan terhadap para calon presiden usia muda, seperti Yudy Chrisnandi, 
Bambang Sulistomo, Fajrul.
Berikut ini adalah berita tentang Obama yang sudah mulai melaksanakan 
janji-janjinya kepada para pemilih Amerika. 'Janji adalah hutang', demikian 
ajaran yang kita terima.


Saafroedin Bahar
(L, masuk 72 th, Jakarta)
Alternate e-mail address:;

Obama touts middle-class task force led by Biden 
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press 
Writer 17 mins ago YahooNews January 31, 2009 
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed a series of executive orders Friday 
that he said should "level the playing field" for labor unions in their 
struggles with management. Obama also used the occasion at the White House to 
announce formally a new White House task force on the problems of middle-class 
Americans. He named Vice President Joe Biden as its chairman. 
Union officials say the new orders by Obama will undo Bush administration 
policies that favored employers over workers. The orders will: 
_Require federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts 
_Reverse a Bush administration order requiring federal contractors to post 
notice that workers can limit financial support of unions serving as their 
exclusive bargaining representatives. 
_Prevent federal contractors from being reimbursed for expenses meant to 
influence workers deciding whether to form a union and engage in collective 
"We need to level the playing field for workers and the unions that represent 
their interests," Obama said during a signing ceremony in the East Room of the 
White House. 
"I do not view the labor movement as part of the problem. To me, it's part of 
the solution," he said. "You cannot have a strong middle class without a strong 
labor movement." 
Signing the executive orders was Obama's second overture to organized labor in 
as many days. On Thursday, he signed the first bill of his presidency, giving 
workers more time to sue for wage discrimination. 
"It's a new day for workers," said James Hoffa, president of the International 
Brotherhood of Teamsters, who attended the ceremony with other union leaders. 
"We finally have a White House that is dedicated to working with us to rebuild 
our middle class. Hope for the American Dream is being restored." 
Of the White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families, Obama said, 
"We're not forgetting the poor. They are going to be front and center, because 
they, too, share our American Dream." 
He said his administration wants to make sure low-income people "get a piece" 
of the American pie "if they're willing to work for it." 
"With this task force, we have a single, highly visible group with one single 
goal: to raise the living standards of the people who are the backbone of this 
country," Biden said. 
Obama set several goals for the task force, including expanding opportunities 
for education and training; improving the work-family balance; restoring labor 
standards, including workplace safety; and protecting retirement security. 
The president and vice president said the task force will include the 
secretaries of commerce, education, labor, and health and human services 
because those Cabinet departments have the most influence on the well-being of 
the middle class. It also will include White House advisers on the economy, the 
budget and domestic policy. 
Biden pledged that the task force will conduct its business in the open, and 
announced a Web site,, for the public to get 
information. He also announced that the panel's first meeting will be Feb. 27 
in Philadelphia and will focus on environmental or "green jobs." 
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information 
contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or 
redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. 
Copyright © 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. 

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