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Dear Colleagues,
The Nature Conservancy is immediately looking for a Communications Manager
for its RAFT (Responsible Asia Forest Trade) program. S/he will develop and
lead the implementation of a Communications Strategy for the program to
effectively communicate mission and strategies in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Lao PDR and Cambodia. The strategy should include
the use of the media as a campaigning and advocacy tool.

In addition to its marine conservation, TNC has been managing forest
conservation programs in Indonesia from the early 1990s and across the
region over the last several years. Experimenting with strategies tailored
to the local context TNC has undertaken the conservation of some of the most
valuable forested landscapes across South East Asia and the Pacific.
TNC-Indonesia Program is headquartered in Jakarta, and currently has more
than 70 staff implementing site-based terrestrial conservation programs in
Bornean Indonesia and Central Sulawesi as well as forest policy initiatives
in Jakarta.

The position is only available to Indonesian nationals. Strong English
skills and plenty of media experience are a must. Start date as soon as
possible but most likely 01 December 2007. Duty station is in Jakarta.
Candidates should hold a valid Indonesian passport and be willing to travel
extensively in SE Asia and Pacific often including weekends. Attached is the
terms of reference for the post.

Please send your application along with three referees contact detail by

If it is not for you, you may pass it on to those who might need the info.

Best regards,


      Elis Nurhayati
      Resource Information Specialist

      Phone: (+62-21) 7279 2043
      Fax: (+62-21) 7279 2044
      Cell: +62 812 10 729 10

          The Nature Conservancy
      Indonesia Program

      Graha Iskandarsyah 3rd Floor
      Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 66C
      Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160

The Nature Conservancy is a leading international, non-profit organization
that preserves plants, animals and natural communities

representing the diversity of life on Earth, by protecting the lands and
waters they need to survive.  To date, the Conservancy and its more than

one million members have been responsible for the protection of more than 15
million acres in the United States and have helped preserve

more than 102 million acres in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the


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Dear Colleagues,
The Nature Conservancy is immediately looking for a Communications Manager for its RAFT (Responsible Asia Forest Trade) program. S/he will develop and lead the implementation of a Communications Strategy for the program to effectively communicate mission and strategies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Lao PDR and Cambodia. The strategy should include the use of the media as a campaigning and advocacy tool.
In addition to its marine conservation, TNC has been managing forest conservation programs in Indonesia from the early 1990s and across the region over the last several years. Experimenting with strategies tailored to the local context TNC has undertaken the conservation of some of the most valuable forested landscapes across South East Asia and the Pacific. TNC-Indonesia Program is headquartered in Jakarta, and currently has more than 70 staff implementing site-based terrestrial conservation programs in Bornean Indonesia and Central Sulawesi as well as forest policy initiatives in Jakarta.
The position is only available to Indonesian nationals. Strong English skills and plenty of media experience are a must. Start date as soon as possible but most likely 01 December 2007. Duty station is in Jakarta. Candidates should hold a valid Indonesian passport and be willing to travel extensively in SE Asia and Pacific often including weekends. Attached is the terms of reference for the post.
Please send your application along with three referees contact detail by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If it is not for you, you may pass it on to those who might need the info.
Best regards,

Elis Nurhayati
Resource Information Specialist

Phone: (+62-21) 7279 2043
Fax: (+62-21) 7279 2044
Cell: +62 812 10 729 10
The Nature Conservancy
Indonesia Program

Graha Iskandarsyah 3rd Floor
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 66C
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160


The Nature Conservancy is a leading international, non-profit organization that preserves plants, animals and natural communities

representing the diversity of life on Earth, by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.  To date, the Conservancy and its more than

one million members have been responsible for the protection of more than 15 million acres in the United States and have helped preserve

more than 102 million acres in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific.

Attachment: RAFT Communication Manager.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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