
Tantangan paliang pas untuak rang Minang dari Silicon Valley.
Kok adoh graduate student dan baminat, caliak lah lengkapnyo di :

Hadiahnyo 25 ribu dolar.


fitr tanjuang (Pauah IX Pdg)
bin M.R. Ismed Jambak bin M. Said Banjarmasin.
lk/34/Albany NY

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Ahmad Syamil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



Silahkan di forward ke milis lain.
KIta perlu lebih banyak orang lagi Indonesia yang berkompetisi.

Total hadiah: 25 ribu dollar.

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University

LinkedIn networking for professionals:

From: Academy of International Business List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark V. Cannice
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 10:12 AM
Subject: [AIB-L] Invitation for your Graduate Students - 2009
University of San Francisco International Business Plan Competition
Dear Colleagues:

I am delighted to invite your graduate students to submit proposals to
compete in the 7th annual University of San Francisco International
Business Plan Competition.

The USF International Business Plan Competition is one of the World's
Premier Graduate Student Entrepreneurial Events.  The 2009 Contest
will be held March 4-6. All Graduate Students from every nation are
invited to submit business plan proposals for participation.

Total Awards for the 2009 Competition will total approximately
$25,000; however, the real prize is the chance for your students to
offer their business proposals before dozens of leading Silicon Valley
Venture Capitalists and Chief Executives. Judges from our previous
competitions have included venture capital partners with: Crosslink
Capital, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, De Novo Ventures, Hummer Winblad
Venture Partners, Nth Power, Garage Technology Ventures, Globespan
Capital, and many more; such as those featured in the Silicon Valley
Venture Capitalist Confidence Index (Bloomberg ticker: USFSVVCI)

As the only University Business Plan Competition in Silicon Valley
open to complete graduate teams from other universities, the USF
Competition provides a unique entrepreneurial opportunity for all
graduate students.

Full contest information is at:
or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information.
Please consider posting this opportunity for your students on your
university website.

Mark V. Cannice, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Executive Director/Founder, USF Entrepreneurship Program
University of San Francisco ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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