Dear Colleague

Just heard from a lot of agent in Hollands that customers now doubt to 
travel to Indonesia, though their trip already booked but customers consider 
to cancel.

Best Regards


      Indonesische vliegmaatschappijen uit EU verbannen

      Uitgegeven op donderdag 28 juni 2007 om 13:36:50, bijgewerkt om 

(Novum/AP) - Alle Indonesische luchtvaartmaatschappijen komen op de zwarte 
lijst van luchtvaartbedrijven die niet voldoen aan de veiligheidsnormen van 
de Europese Unie en mogen het EU-luchtruim niet langer in. Dat heeft de 
Europese Commissie donderdag bekendgemaakt. In de praktijk verandert de 
plaatsing van de 51 maatschappijen op de lijst maar weinig, aangezien geen 
ervan momenteel op Europa vliegt. Garuda, de nationale maatschappij van 
Indonesië, vloog tot 2005 op Amsterdam en Rome.

De ban op Indonesische maatschappijen volgt op een reeks dodelijke crashes 
met Indonesische toestellen. Op nieuwjaarsdag stortte een lijnvliegtuig in 
zee en alle 102 inzittenden kwamen om. In maart schoot een Boeing 737 van de 
landingsbaan af en vloog in brand. Daarbij vielen 21 doden.

Budhi Syitno Mulyawan, de hoogste ambtenaar voor luchtvaartzaken van het 
Indonesische ministerie van transport, zei dat de laatste gegevens aantonen 
dat veel maatschappijen inmiddels al veiliger zijn geworden. Die gegevens 
zijn echter te laat aan de Commissie overhandigd en zullen op een 
vergadering van de EC in oktober alsnog worden gepresenteerd, aldus 
Mulyawan. Volgens Ari Sapari van Garuda kan de Europese maatregel gevolgen 
hebben voor de geplande hervatting van vluchten op Schiphol in 2008.

Ook enkele maatschappijen uit Rusland, Oekraïne en Angola werden donderdag 
aan de zwarte lijst toegevoegd. Ten aanzien van Pakistan International 
Airlines werden de restricties juist versoepeld.

Novum/AP) - Alle Indonesische luchtvaartmaatschappijen komen op

All Indonesian airlines are coming on the blacklist of airline company who 
are not following the rules of safety of the European Union may not longer 
flying into the EU-airspace.

This is decided by the European commission this Thursday.

In practice the placing of 51 airlines on the list doesn't change anything 
because there is non airlines of it flying to Europe.

The national airlines of Indonesia Garuda was flying till 2005 on Amsterdam 
and Rome.

The bans on Indonesian company is because of a few crashes were people were 
killed with Indonesian aircrafts.

On new Years day a aircraft came down in the ocean were 102 people were 

In March a Boeing 737 crashed on the landings strip and gets on fire.

21 people were killed.

Budhi Syitno Mulyawan, the highest goverment staff of airbusiness of the 
Indonesian Ministery of Transportation, said the last details proof that a 
lot of airlines are more safe now. But the details were to late given to the 
commission and will be present on the meeting in October again. These are 
the words of Mulyawan.

As Ari Sapari of Garuda said, this rule can be damaged fo the planning of 
Garuda to fly again on Schiphol in 2008.

EU bans flights by Indonesian airlines

      All airlines that have their base in Indonesia will be banned from 
flying to the European Union because of safety concerns. This information 
has been released by the European Commission. "Once more, the EU blacklist 
will prove to be an essential tool not only to prevent unsafe airlines from 
flying to Europe and to inform passengers traveling worldwide but also to 
make sure that airlines and civil aviation authorities take appropriate 
actions to improve safety," said Jacques Barrot, commission vice president 
in charge of transport.

EU bans flights by Indonesian airlines


BRUSSELS, Belgium -- All Indonesian airlines and several from Russia, 
Ukraine and Angola will be banned from flying to the European Union due to 
safety concerns, the European Commission said Thursday.

The existing ban on Pakistan International Airlines also will be relaxed to 
allow specific Boeing 747 and Airbus 310 aircraft to fly to Europe, in 
addition to its already authorized Boeing 777 fleet, the statement said.

"Once more, the EU blacklist will prove to be an essential tool not only to 
prevent unsafe airlines from flying to Europe and to inform passengers 
traveling worldwide but also to make sure that airlines and civil aviation 
authorities take appropriate actions to improve safety," said Jacques 
Barrot, commission vice president in charge of transport.

The statement said that all 51 airlines certified in Indonesia would be 
blocked from flying to the European Union. Currently, no airline from that 
country has scheduled flights to any European destination. The national 
flag-carrier Garuda ceased serving Amsterdam and Rome in 2005.

The EU statement also said that Angolan carrier TAAG Angola Airlines, and 
Volare Aviation from Ukraine would be added to the revised international 
blacklist. The statement noted that Russia had decided to prohibit all 
flights to the EU by four passenger airlines and had imposed restrictions on 
six other operators.

Before the latest announcement, the EU had banned a total of 91 airlines - 
including 74 from Africa - from entering its air space.

Indonesian airlines have been hit by a string of accidents this year, 
leading the U.S. Federal Aviation Authority in April to downgrade the 
country's rating from its lowest category. Both the FAA and the 
International Civil Aviation Organization have warned that the country's 
civil aviation procedures did not meet international standards.

On New Year's Day an Indonesian jetliner plunged into the sea from 33,000 
feet, killing all 102 people on board. Weeks later, another plane's fuselage 
split in half after a hard landing. And in March, a Boeing 737 careened off 
a runway and burst into flames, leaving 21 dead.

In Jakarta, Budhi Suyitno Mulyawan, Indonesia's top civil aviation official 
at the Transport Ministry, said the European Commission had not seen the 
country's latest data on airline safety.

"We were late in delivering the latest data to European Commission, but we 
will bring the latest findings - which show Indonesia's airlines are getting 
better now - to the meeting of the EC in October," he said.

Capt. Ari Sapari, director of operations at Garuda, said that the European 
ban could affect the airline's plans to resume services to Amsterdam in 


Associated Press Writer Chris

29 une 2007.

European Commission bans all Indonesian airlines from flying to EU

BRUSSELS (AP): All Indonesian airlines and several from Russia, Ukraine and 
Angola will be banned from flying to the European Union due to safety 
concerns, the European Commission said Thursday.

The existing ban on Pakistan International Airlines will also be relaxed to 
allow specific Boeing 747 and Airbus 310 aircraft to fly to Europe, in 
addition to its already authorized Boeing 777 fleet, the statement said.

"Once more, the EU black list will prove to be an essential tool not only to 
prevent unsafe airlines from flying to Europe and to inform passengers 
traveling worldwide but also to make sure that airlines and civil aviation 
authorities takeappropriate actions to improve safety," said Jacques Barrot, 
commission vice president in charge of transport.

The statement said that all 51 airlines certified in Indonesia would be 
blocked from flying to the European Union. Currently, no airline from that 
country has scheduled flights to any Europeandestination. The national 
flag-carrier Garuda ceased serving Amsterdam and Rome in 2005.

The statement also said that Angolan carrier TAAG Angola Airlines, and 
Volare Aviation from Ukraine would be added to the revised international 

Before the latest announcement, the EU banned 91 airlines - including 74 
from Africa - from entering its air space. (**)

             Berita Indonesia

              a.. Garuda masuk daftar hitam Uni Eropa
              b.. Presiden SBY Kunjungi Porong, Sidoarjo
              c.. Ganja Sebagai Bumbu Dapur, Boleh Legalisasi ganja di 
Indonesia mustahil. Tapi, m...
              d.. Indonesia Cabut Izin Terbang Empat Perusahaan
              e.. Teroris Paling Dicari di Indonesia Tertangkap
              f.. Memberi Nama Pulau, Indonesia Butuh Tiga Tahun

      Garuda masuk daftar hitam Uni Eropa

      Selain Garuda, semua perusahaan penerbangan Indonesia dilarang singgah 
di berbagai bandara Uni Eropa. Maskapai-maskapai penerbangan Indonesia ini 
tidak memenuhi persyaratan keamanan Uni Eropa. Dari ke 51 maskapai 
penerbangan Indoensia hanya garuda yang pernah memiliki penerbangan ke 
Eropa. Garuda saat ini tidak memiliki jalur penerbangan ke Eropa, namun 
peraturan ini dianggap sebagai peringatan kepada para tour operator dan 
turis Eropa untuk tidak memanfaatkan jasa Garuda dan perusahaan penerbangan 
Indonesia lainnya. Di samping itu dua perusahaan penerbangan Ukraina dan 
Anggola juga masuk daftar hitam. Kebijakan Eropa terhadap berbagai maskapai 
bermasalah ini akan diberlakukan dalam waktu seminggu.

      Ke atas

Indonesia Cabut Izin Terbang Empat Perusahaan

Indonesia mencabut izin usaha empat perusahaan penerbangan karena tidak 
memenuhi persyaratan keamanan. Empat perusahaan tersebut adalah: Jatayu 
Gelang Sejahtera, Aviasi Upataraksa, Alfa Trans Dirgantara dan Prodexim. 
Sementara itu, lima perusahaan lain, tidak boleh menerbangkan pesawat 
mereka, sebelum melengkapi berbagai kekurangan. Lima perusahaan ini, 
mendapat waktu selama tiga bulan untuk melengkapi berbagai kekurangan 
tersebut. Kebijakan ini diambil, menyusul rangkaian kecelakaan penerbangan 
selama beberapa waktu belakangan. Industri penerbangan Indonesia berkembang 
pesat. Tapi, banyak perusahaan penerbangan kecil masih menggunakan 
pesawat-pesawat tua. Sejauh ini, maskapai penerbangan nasional, Garuda, 
telah berhasil menerapkan berbagai perbaikan. Kini, Garuda merupakan 
perusahaan penerbangan dengan tingkat keamanan paling tinggi.

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