Assalamualaikum w.w. para sanak sa palanta,
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini Gereja Katolik -- terutama di Amerika Serikat -- diguncang oleh rangkaian skandal seks yang  benar-benar memalukan. Penulis pemikiran keagamaan terkenal Karen Armstrong juga pernah mengisahkan pengalaman pahit pribadinya selama di biara, yang menyebabkan beliau kemudian menjaga jarak dengan gereja. 
Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi ? Banyak faktor yang bisa menyebabkannya. Dalam gereja Katolik hal itu antara lain disebabkan oleh aturan selibat [larangan kawin bagi pendeta] dan korban umumnya adalah anak laki-laki. Namun yang lebih penting, bagaimana mencegah agar skandal itu tidak terjadi. Dalam hubungan ini dapatlah difahami bahwa Vatikan mengeluarkan prosedur seleksi baru untuk para calon rohaniwannya, seperti tercantum dalam berita di bawah ini.
Pertanyaan kita: apakah rohaniwan Islam terbebas dari skandal seks semacam itu ? Rasanya tidak. Media massa Indonesia tidak sungkan-sungkan memberitakan apa adanya betapa guru agama di sekolah atau guru mengaji di rumah-rumah tidak jarang menyalahgunakan kepercayaan orang tua murid atau orang tua anak didiknya untuk melampiaskan hawa nafsunya kepada anak didiknya. Lazimnya masalah ini diselesaikan di  pengadilan.
Yang belum kita dengar adalah adanya suatu petunjuk Majelis Ulama Indonesia untuk menyeleksi para guru agama -- atau fungsionaris lainnya dalam agama Islam -- agar tidak dicemari oleh orang-orang yang secara moral tidak layak menjadi rohaniwan. Masalahnya memang akan jauh lebih ruwet, karena Islam tidak mengenal sistem kependetaan atau hirarki seperti gereja Katolik. MUI bukanlah Vatikan. Dengan kata lain, para orang tua sendiri yang harus lebih waspada. Bagaimanapun para guru agama dan guru mengaji adalah manusia biasa. Satu dua di antara mereka ada yang basalero tajam.
[Saya belum dapat mengomentari kasus 'Syech Puji' di Semarang akhir-akhir ini yang mengawini paja ketek usia 12 tahun, dan masih merekrut tambahan calon pengantin matah lainnya. Alasan formal yang diajukannya tentu ada. Namun dalam ilmu jiwa, beliau ini akan disebut orang sebagai pedofil, orang yang suka berhubungan seks dengan anak kecil. Masyaallah.]
Saafroedin Bahar
(L, masuk 72 th, Jakarta)
Alternate e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED];

Vatican issues screening guidelines for priests

By FRANCES D'EMILIO, Associated Press Writer Frances D'emilio, Associated Press Writer 36 mins ago , October 31, 2008

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican issued new psychological screening guidelines for seminarians Thursday — the latest effort by the Roman Catholic Church to be more selective about its priesthood candidates following a series of sex abuse scandals.

The church said it issued the new guidelines to help church leaders weed out candidates with "psychopathic disturbances." The scandals have rocked the church in recent years, triggering lawsuits that have cost hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements.

"(The guidelines) became ever more urgent because of the sexual scandals," Monsignor Jean-Louis Brugues told reporters. He stressed, however, that psychological testing was used in some seminaries as far back as the 1960s — or at least a decade before the sexual abuse scandals exploded in public.

"In all too many cases, psychological defects, sometimes of a pathological kind, reveal themselves only after ordination to the priesthood," the guidelines said. "Detecting defects earlier would help avoid many tragic experiences."

The guidelines said problems like "confused or not yet well-defined" sexual identities need to be addressed.

The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests said the Vatican needs to go beyond screening seminarians to end what the group calls the church's "virtually unchanged culture of secrecy and unchecked power in the hierarchy" that left dangerous priests in parishes.

"Every barrel will always have some bad apples," the Survivors Network said. "Real change requires effectively reforming the barrel and those who oversee it."

Vatican officials conducted an evaluation of U.S. Roman Catholic seminaries in response to the abuse crisis to look for anything that contributed to the scandal. The evaluation was completed in July of 2006, but the results have not been made public.

The bishops and seminary staff who conducted the onsite reviews gave special attention to what seminarians are taught about chastity and celibacy. The Vatican also directed the evaluators to look for "evidence of homosexuality" in the schools.

Studies commissioned by the bishops' conference have found that the majority of known victims of abuse by priests in the last 50 years were adolescent boys. In response, some Catholics have blamed gay clergy for the scandal; experts on sex offenders contend homosexuals are no more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.

A 2005 Vatican document said men with "deep-seated" homosexual tendencies shouldn't be ordained, but that those with a "transitory problem" could become priests if they had overcome them for three years. The Vatican considers homosexual activity sinful.

The new guidelines reflect the earlier teaching, stressing that if a future priest shows "deep-seated homosexual tendencies," his seminary training "would have to be interrupted."

The guideline say priests must have a "positive and stable sense of one's masculine identity" and the capacity to "integrate his sexuality in accordance" with the obligation of celibacy.

The church is struggling to provide enough priests for parishes in many parts of the West because of waning vocations. But Pope Benedict XVI has said it is more important to have good priests than a greater number of priests.


Associated Press Religion Writer Rachel Zoll in New York contributed to this report

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