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  Life is Very Hard for Korean Muslims

  -->  Korea Times, News Feature, Bae Ji-sook, Posted: Aug 13, 2007
  What is it like to be a Korean Muslim in Korea? ``Not easy would be an 
understatement,'' was the response of Hasna Bae, a 23-year-old student. 

Bae is one of 35,000 Korean Muslims in the country, and one of 1.6 billion in 
the world. Although the religion is very big worldwide, there are few Muslims 
in Korea. There are migrant Muslim workers, but the total number barely reaches 

Being a minority religion in Korea, Muslims say their different lifestyle makes 
them stand out more than others in society. 

Yu Hyun-il, 22, serves as president of the Islamic students' association of the 
Hankook University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul. He said he found the 
Muslim eating requirements the most difficult thing for him. 

``It was hard for me not to eat pork. Also we are only allowed to eat meat that 
is prepared in a certain way,'' he said. In restaurants, he has a limited 
choice because of the ingredients_ he eats fish and vegetables most of the 

The ban on drinking is also a problem. ``When people go drinking, they leave me 
out. If I go with them, my not drinking can sometimes make the whole atmosphere 
go weird,'' he said. 

A 51-year-old businessman confessed that he drinks one or two glasses 
sometimes. ``You can never do business here without drinking,'' he said. 

Praying five times a day is also strange for some people. ``Some people find my 
facing Mecca when I pray strange,'' a student said. 

However, their biggest concern is prejudice toward this rather unfamiliar 
religion. After the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001, many people showed an 
interest in Islamic ideas, but most are ignorant about it.

``We are not terrorists, but love peace. We are just like the girl next door,'' 
Hasna Bae said. 

Bae, who first met Muslims when she went to learn English in the U.S., said her 
friends, family and acquaintances were against her decision to convert from 
Christianity to Islam. 

People tried to tell her how dangerous the religion is, citing acts of terror 
and violence some have caused. She explained that her religion bans any 
violence and the terrorists are in fact criminals regardless of their religious 
beliefs. ``Now people get astonished; but soon show more curiosity than 
hostility. That's better.'' 

Bae sometimes gets pictures taken of her in the subways when she wears her 
hijab, and her going to the Mosque is always treated as an extraordinary thing. 
``And I don't get to have many male friends around. I think I intimidate 

Nowsdays Muslims in Korea face another issue. Taliban militants in Afghanistan, 
who claim to be pure Muslims, abducted 23 Koreans visiting their country and 
killed two of them. As 25 days have passed since the kidnapping, prejudice 
against the religion is resurfacing. 

``There were some bomb threats to the Mosque and there are always police 
standing in front of the gate in case of an attack'' Bae said. 

However, Lee Ju-hwa, director of the Korea Muslim Federation's Department of 
Dawah (propagation) and Education, said people are opening their hearts to the 
new religion. ``Before online forums were full of people accusing us. But now I 
see more trying to get an objective point of view and there are fierce debates, 
which is very encouraging.'' 

He asked non-Muslim Koreans to show an openness and acceptance toward the 
religion. ``We ban all kinds of violence, we do not oppress women and we are 
just like any other religious people craving for better life.'' 

Though life seems tough for Muslims, they say they are proud of their decision. 
Hasna Bae majored in metal design and is planning to work in that area. Will 
she hide her faith to get a job? ``Never. I do not want to work for a company 
that doesn't respect its employee's religion anyway.''


Korea Times Interns Park Soo-yeon and Lee Ye-ha contributed to writing this 

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