Saudara Joko dari [EMAIL PROTECTED] membuat postingan ini. Saya mengambil 
kesempatan untuk menyebarluaskan ke forum iki, imaamnret dan rantaunet. Gunakan 
akses ini berkomunikasi dengan Obama secara lansung.

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Wassalamu alaikum

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, jamaludin mohyiddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: jamaludin mohyiddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [IMAAMNet] The Notion for Change
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 2:21 AM

Rhetoric of and for change enters a new phase of implementation. Its 
concretization in terms of policy fine tuning and policy prioritization will be 
framed by the new Obama administration. Of course, we heard and listened 
carefully and attentively candidate Obama’s rhetoric of and for change during 
the campaign. We have some pretty much a good guest what sort of change, its 
direction for change and how this vision of change will be given forms, shapes 
and colors. While in transition to power, for the next 75 days, we all will be 
given some notion and if possible the larger policy picture of the fundamentals 
and the general framework of the prioritized items for change. Still, we all 
lack the comprehensiveness and concreteness of the parameter of change. In the 
70s, we have seen how human rights become the cornerstone of Jimmy Carter’s 
presidency. Now, we are looking change as a starting bloc for Obama’s 


A very crystal clear, concretization and itemization of policy and agenda of 
and for change will be framed during the incoming state of the union/SOTU 
speech in January 2009 by president Obama. He will lay the intellectual 
foundation of his vision of change.  He will lay down justification for having 
this vision of change. He surely will not disappoint us in itemizing his agenda 
for change. 

Meantime, we still can speculate what sort of change and the substantive would 
be agenda for change through his anointed advisors. These advisors and the rest 
of appointed office bearers that have direct bearing in policy decision making 
of president Obama surely a sign of where he is directing his notion and sense 
of change. Through theses appointments, we have pretty much a good picture of 
Obama’s agenda for change. All behind the scenes and informal internal debates 
toward concretizing the picture of his agenda for change will be presented at 
his first SOTU. 

Meantime, right now, those who are interested to have their agenda for change 
to be have at least being considered and reach the ear of president Obama, have 
to work hard. Let see how far president Obama can accommodate some of these 
practical and realistic agenda for change. It is up to him to pick up some of 
these agenda. His nature and character play crucial role in selecting some of 
these. Or, may be he will response in affirming some of these agenda due the 
positive perception he will receive or political benefit he will enjoy. 

Meantime, let entertains the idea that the candidate, the President-Elect and 
President Obama himself is the object of and for change. His presence itself is 
already a positive indication for change. The whole world feels good about 
Obama. His mere presence breaks the gunghoism/ unilateralism and 
cowboyism/militaris m and I know best diplomacy that rocked the world for the 
last 7 years. His presence is the fresh start for change. Only Obama can 
sustain this momentum, and he should. Otherwise, in relatively short period of 
time his change will be perceived or predicated as business as usual or all 
things remain the same.  

The momentum for change can be seen in his dignified political campaign. In 
contrast, his opponent, failed to project a rational campaign. Issue wise, none 
of them run on truly informing the electorate to be a well informed citizen and 
voters. It is indeed remarkable to see Ralph Nader’s campaigning in educating 
and informing the voters in a positive nonpartisan way. I have to agree that 
each candidate has the right to style, to frame and to do campaign. 

Meantime, how about toying the idea of change itself by ourselves. Should we 
change? What sort of change? How to bring these changes? Is change 
fundamentally universal? Should we response to change? How to do that? Is 
change changeable? Well,………..If change is changeable, then we need a goal post 
in order to measure the real and relative change and direction of change.     

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