Selama hampir 3 hari,
>PC saya mengalami  kesulitan
>untuk terima dan kirim.
>Mudah2an sekarang sudah oke.
>Wassalam, Jacky Mardono
>From: "Yahoo!"<>
>Date: September 13, 2011 15:26:18 GMT+07:00
>Subject: Account Warning!
In the last few days, 
>We observed multiple trials to login to your account 
>from different blacklisted I.P addresses, 
>therefore we are issuing this security warning. 
>Your Account will be unavailable for a short period of time, 
>you might experience difficulty in sending and reading messages.
>To prevent further unauthorized access, 
>we have decided to put an extra verification process 
>to ensure your account is totally safe.
>Yahoo works hard to safeguard your account 
>and personal information. 
>That is why from time to time we may ask you 
>to verify your identity online.
>Verification process will only take a few minutes.

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