Mursi to pick woman, Christian as his deputies

New leader will make appointments once people chosen to fill roles have been

*       By Abdul Rahman Hussain, Guardian News & Media Ltd
*       Published: 00:00 June 28, 2012

Mohammad Mursi with the Coptic bishop

*       Image Credit: AFP
*       Mohammad Mursi with Coptic Bishop Beshoy during a meeting with a
Christian delegation headed Bishop Pachomius (centre) at the presidential
palace in Cairo on June 26, 2012.

Cairo: Mohammad Mursi's first appointments as president-elect of Egypt will
be a woman and a Coptic Christian, his spokesman has told the Guardian, as
he moves to allay fears of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Samah Al Essawy said that although the names of the two choices had not been
finalised, they would be Mursi's two vice-presidents. 

When the appointments go through, they will constitute the first time in
Egypt's history that either a woman or a Coptic Christian has occupied such
an elevated position in the executive branch. 

The Muslim Brotherhood is at pains to calm fears of what an Islamist
president might mean for Egypt and the region at large. Appointing both a
woman and a Coptic Christian is an attempt at a show of unity, and a rule by

Article continues below

Al Essawy also said that Mursi had no objection to swearing the presidential
oath in front of the supreme constitutional court (SCC), widely seen as a
controversial move after the dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood-majority
parliament by that very court a day before the run-off elections earlier
this month. But, "that does not mean he [Mursi] acknowledges the dissolution
of parliament", said Al Essawy, a member of Mursi's former party, Freedom
and Justice Party (FJP). 

Mursi filled his second day as president-elect with meeting a number of
state officials, including the current interior minister, in an attempt to
build bridges with a police force that was the initial spark of the January
25, 2011 revolt leading to the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Mursi also met the
head of Al Azhar, Egypt's highest religious institution. 

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The president-elect continues to deliberate with the military and other
political forces over the formation of his cabinet, which is expected to be
led by an independent national figure and would not have an FJP majority. 

In a populist move, Mursi's camp has announced that 750,000 government
employees hired on temporary contracts their status remaining that way for
years would be handed permanent contracts from the beginning of July. This
has been a long-standing complaint of government workers, including
ambulance service staff who have been intermittently protesting over the
past year. 

One of Mursi's first directives was to ban the tradition of hanging
presidential portraits in all government buildings. 

- Guardian News & Media Ltd 



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Behalf Of Afda Rizki
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:52 AM
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Konon beliau juga seoran hafidz atau hafal Al Quran 30 juz seluruhnya.
Tipak di Indonesia yo lamo lai nampaknyo. Urang Islam bana nan indak suko jo
hal nan babau Islami

Pada 28 Jun 2012 08.13, "Ronald P Putra" <> menulis:

Semoga bisa membawa pengaruh ke Indonesia

Ronald - Depok

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