[RBW] 650b tires: the fat and the skinny about them?

2017-12-15 Thread Lynne Fitz
+1 on the Hutchinsons. They are the widest tires my Sweetpea frame accommodates. I also have Soma xPress on the Bleriot; like those as well, but the bikes have different uses. The big miles happen on the Sweetpea. Continental has also come out with a narrower 650b tire, but that's all I know

[RBW] 650b tires: the fat and the skinny about them?

2017-12-14 Thread Tom Goodmann
I'm the current happy rider of a Curt Goodrich-built Proto Saluki (my friend from this list and I have already traded the bike back and forth once between us) shod with Gran Bois 42s. It's a nimble and quick-turning, and I'd like to play around with tire sizes a bit to see how "roady" I can ri