Haha, Coke ZERO! Ugh, my picnic lunch is a thing of shame, truly.
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"liked" it on FB. Think about skinwalls though in place of blacks, and
Coke?!? Merlot dude! And some decent bread, and
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Addison Wilhite
> Nice piece. I "liked" CI on FB and tweeted the link.
> Cheers,
> --
> Addison
> http://reno-rambler.blogsp
Nice piece. I "liked" CI on FB and tweeted the link.
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So I've managed to infiltrate the world of Cycling Illustrated as a weekly
columnist, and my post this week even has a photo of me with my Sam. I've got a
long way to go with my writing, but I think it's cool of them to let a
non-racing guy like myself have a voice on the site. The article isn't