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Hi all; first test of turret rotation, barrel elevation will soon and
Saludos y suerte.
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hi all, thanks for your answers, the spider is the pet of my detachment
armored and shield emblem of my company here decided to have our own
emblems because we play with mini-cameras on board to make it even more
realistic and we need samething to distinguish who is who.
Greetings and good luck.
hi all, I present the E-100 in motion.
Greetings and good luck
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do it and enjoy it, I had a very good manufacturing it and I enjoy it a
lot, seeing that monster moving through the field is a real blast.
Best regards
2013/12/23 neroc1
> and its a beauty !!
> --
> --
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sorry, here they are. regards Frank. Look for them in "E.100 paso a paso".
2013/5/9 Derek Engelhaupt
> Is it me, or are there no pictures? :)
> Derek
> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 2:42 PM, José Garcia
More pictures of the progress of the E.100
Saludos y suerte.
2013/5/7 José Garcia
> The Königtiger 5 years, Ferdinand abaut 2 years and the E.100 it's not
> finish and i started 9 month ago.
> Best regards, paco.
> 2013/5/7 Robert Currie
>> Beau
The Königtiger 5 years, Ferdinand abaut 2 years and the E.100 it's not
finish and i started 9 month ago.
Best regards, paco.
2013/5/7 Robert Currie
> Beautiful work !
> How long have you been working on your tank ?
> --
> --
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Yes everything is hand made y only bye the electronic.
Best regards, Paco.
2013/5/5 Neil Rochford
> superb build detail. impressive in every way.
> Neil R
>> --
> --
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> To post a message, send email to rctankcombat@googlegro
Saludos y suerte.
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