Forwarding on behalf of the ALCTS Program Committee.  Please excuse 
Susan C. Wynne
Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
Georgia State University
100 Decatur Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
The ALCTS Program Committee invites program and pre-conference proposals for 
the ALA Annual Conference 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26 - July, 1. The 
committee will also accept proposals from those interested in planning virtual 
symposiums to be held before Midwinter 2014 and virtual pre-conferences prior 
to Annual 2014.

If you are interested in planning a pre-conference or program, please submit 
the appropriate web form (see below), and plan to meet with the Program 
Committee during ALA Annual 2013 in Chicago. You will be contacted to make an 
appointment for a 15 minute session during one of the committee's meetings on 
Saturday, June 29th, 8:30-11:30 or Monday July 1, 1:00-5:30.
The committee and ALCTS staff will help you develop your ideas and plan 
logistics. It isn't necessary to have all the details when you initially fill 
out the proposal form or visit the committee.
The Program Committee welcomes topics that will remain current and of interest 
in 2014, and encourages you to employ different program formats:  lightning 
rounds, learning lounge style, debates, an "unconference" model, etc. Programs 
and pre-conferences often originate with ALCTS sections or interest groups, but 
they can also come from individuals or other groups.

Proposal forms are located at:

Virtual pre-conference:


More information about the planning process can be found at<>

Please  contact the ALCTS Program Committee at<> with questions.

Catherine Gardiner, ALCTS Program Committee Co-Chair, 2012/2013

Cataloging & Metadata Librarian

Supervisor, Technical Services

Florida Gulf Coast University Library Services

10501 FGCU Blvd. South

Fort Myers, FL  33965-6501

(239) 590-7640<tel:%28239%29%20590-7640>

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