The Adoption of RDA in Various Countries

A special issue of Cataloging and Classification Quarterly will be devoted to 
the adoption of RDA in various countries. Previously, issues 7-8 of volume 49, 
titled "RDA Testing: Lessons Learned and Challenges Revealed," related the 
experiences of selected libraries within the United States, from testing to 
implementation. This issue will look at libraries outside of the United States.

Submissions for this special issue should describe the implementation or 
planned adoption of RDA; authors should explain the reasons for the choice and 
describe the various phases involved.  Some possible topics include:

*         Benefits to users

*         RDA implementation procedures in various countries, including staff 

*         Implications for cataloging policies at an individual library, for a 
consortium, and/or for a country

*         Costs and benefits to the institution

*         Translations of RDA and its controlled vocabularies

*         Problems identified

*         Cataloging codes used

*         Use of RDA for publishing linked data

Proposals of no more than 300 words should be sent by May 15, 2013 to the guest 
editors, Marie-France Plassard (<> 
) and Gordon Dunsire 
(<>).  Decisions will be 
communicated no later than June 15, 2013. Manuscripts are due by December 1, 
2013. Each manuscript should be in the range of 5,000-8,000 words. Instructions 
for authors can be found at

Acceptance of a proposal does not guarantee publication. All manuscript 
submissions will be subject to peer review. Publication is scheduled for 2014.

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly is respected as an international forum 
for discussion in all aspects of bibliographic organization. It presents a 
balance between theoretical and applied articles in the field of cataloging and 
classification, and considers the full spectrum of creation, content, 
management, and use and usability of both bibliographic records and catalogs. 
This includes the principles, functions, and techniques of descriptive 
cataloging; the wide range of methods of subject analysis and classification; 
provision of access for all formats of materials; and policies, planning, and 
issues connected to the effective use of bibliographic data in modern society.

Sandy Roe
Editor, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services Unit
Milner Library | Illinois State University | Normal, IL 61790-8900
phone: 309-438-5039 || fax: 309-438-5132 || email:<>

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