                IEEE WETICE 2010
         1st International Workshop on
     Collaborative Modeling and Simulation
                CALL FOR PAPERS

June 28 - June 30, 2010, Larissa (Greece) *
**http://www.sel.uniroma2.it/CoMetS10* <http://www.sel.uniroma2.it/CoMetS10>

# Papers Due: *** March 2, 2010 ***
# Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
# by the IEEE Computer Society Press and indexed by EI.

Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is increasingly becoming a central
activity in the design of new systems and in the analysis of
existing systems because it enables designers and researchers to
investigate systems behavior through virtual representations. For
this reason, M&S is gaining a primary role in many industrial and
research fields, such as space, critical infrastructures,
manufacturing, emergency management, biomedical systems and
sustainable future. However, as the complexity of the
investigated systems increases and the types of investigations
widens, the cost of M&S activities increases because of the more
complex models and of the communications among a wider number and
variety of M&S stakeholders (e.g., sub-domain experts, simulator
users, simulator engineers, and final system users). To address
the increasing costs of M&S activities, collaborative
technologies must be introduced to support these activities by
fostering the sharing and reuse of models, by facilitating the
communications among M&S stakeholders, and more generally by
integrating processes, tools and platforms.

Aside from seeking applications of collaborative technologies to
M&S activities, the workshop seeks innovative contributions that
deal with the application of M&S practices to the design of
collaborative environments. These environments are continuously
becoming more complex and therefore their design requires
systematic approaches to meet the required quality of
collaboration. This is important for two reasons: to reduce
rework activities on the actual collaborative environment, and to
maximize the productivity and the quality of the process the
collaborative environment supports. M&S offers the methodologies
and tools for such investigations and therefore it can be used to
improve the quality of collaborative environments.

A non-exhaustive list of hi-level topics includes:

* collaborative environments for M&S
* agent-based M&S
* collaborative distributed simulation
* net-centric M&S
* web-based M&S
* model sharing and reuse
* model building and evaluation
* modeling and simulation of business processes
* modeling for collaboration
* simulation-based performance evaluation of collaborative
* model-driven simulation engineering
* domain specific languages for the simulation of collaborative
* domain specific languages for collaborative M&S

To stimulate creativity, however, the workshop maintains a wider
scope and invites interested researchers to present contributions
that offer original perspectives on collaboration and M&S.

On-Line Submissions and Publication

CoMetS'10 intends to bring together researchers and practitioners
to discuss key issues, approaches, open problems, innovative
applications and trends in the workshop research area.

Papers should contain original contributions not published or
submitted elsewhere. Papers up to six pages (including figures,
tables and references) can be submitted. Papers should follow the
IEEE format, which is single spaced, two columns, 10 pt
Times/Roman font. All submissions should be electronic (in PDF)
and will be peer-reviewed by at least three program committee

Full papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the
proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society Press (IEEE
approval pending). Note that at least one author from each
accepted paper should register to attend WETICE 2010 to get the
paper published in the proceedings.

Authors may contact the organizers for expression of interests
and content appropriateness at any time. Papers can be submitted
in PDF format at the submission site
which is
supported by the EasyChair conference management system. Please
contact the workshop chairs (*comet...@easychair.org*<comet...@easychair.org>)
if you
experience problems with the EasyChair Web site.

Important Dates

* Submission Deadline: March 2, 2010
* Decision to paper authors: April 2, 2010
* Final version of accepted papers due to IEEE: April 14, 2010
* Conference dates: June 28 - June 30, 2010

Organizing Committee

* Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Roma TorVergata, Italy
* Daniele Gianni, European Space Agency, Netherlands
* Joachim Fuchs, European Space Agency, Netherlands
* Giuseppe Iazeolla, University of Roma TorVergata, Italy

Program Committee

* Michele Angelaccio, University of Roma TorVergata, Italy
* Olivier Dalle, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS & INRIA, France
* Steve McKeever, University of Oxford, UK
* Alessandra Pieroni, University of Roma TorVergata, Italy
* Andrew Rice, University of Cambridge, UK
* José L. Risco-Martin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
* Helena Szczerbicka, University of Hannover, Germany
* Hans Vangheluwe, McGill University, Canada
* Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University, Canada
* J.Chris White, ViaSim Solutions, USA
* Quirien Wijnands, European Space Agency, Netherlands
* Heming Zhang, Tsinghua University, China

*** Contact Information ***
Andrea D'Ambrogio (workshop co-chair)
Email: *dam...@info.uniroma2.it* <dam...@info.uniroma2.it>

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