Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Insert mol objects directly into postgres rdkit cartridge column?

2014-03-01 Thread hari jayaram
Hello Riccardo, Adrian , Greg and everyone else, Thank you for all the replies: I like the mol_from_pkl that greg pointed out Thanks for pointers to the razi project ...I had looked at sqlalchemy but decided to go with pure django ORM and then use raw() calls to get the models from the database. I

[Rdkit-discuss] editing molecules

2014-03-01 Thread S.L. Chan
Good evening, I have some molecules with neutral amidine heads. I would like to make them positively charged. So I do: mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile('input.mol', removeHs=False) q = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[NH]=C[NH2]') for mat in mol.GetSubstructMatches(q):     mol.GetAtomWithIdx(mat[0]).SetFormalCharge