Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit installation for C++

2020-07-22 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hi Leon, While I don’t recommend this because of how “hacky” it is, on Linux it's possible to use the headers and library files that come with the Anaconda distribution. To do so you could point the compiler and linker to the files within your RDKit Anaconda environment. If you use GCC this

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Removing disconnected hydrogens

2020-06-09 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hi Navid, I think you have a few options. One is to loop over your molecule’s atoms and delete those hydrogens without any neighbors (degree = 0). In Python this would look something like the following: import rdkit from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import rdmolops # mol =

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] compile py wrappers with vcpkg boost 1.72

2020-04-15 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hello Rasmus, I too had this problem a while ago while trying to build the RDKit on Windows, but since I was only interested in the C++ API I gave up on the Python wrappers altogether. Since this is somewhat related, I’m seizing the opportunity for a suggestion: given how convenient it is to

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit Chem.MolFromPDBFile ignores some files...

2020-04-05 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hi Gustavo, I haven’t looked into the RDKit source code for this but I assume this has to do with the lack of CONECT records in the PDB file you attached (i.e. you are only storing atom coordinates, not connectivity). >From what I could gather from the RDKit documentation, the default

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Synthetic Accessibility (SA) score

2020-04-01 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hi Ganesh, To delve a bit deeper into this, if I recall correctly, SA score is calculated based on both: 1. The prevalence of your molecule’s chemical motifs in a virtual library of synthesizable compounds. 2. A set of logarithmic formulas that take as parameters molecular features

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] MMFF Atoms type definitions

2020-03-16 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hi all, I would like to add that you can also find the atom type definitions (perhaps in a more human-readable format) in the original MMFF paper: Halgren, T. Merck Molecular Force Field. I. Basis, Form, Scope, Parameterization and Performance of MMFF94. Journal of Computational Chemistry.

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Anaconda and RDkit

2020-03-05 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hello Francesco, To quote your email: “But now, I'm not in Python. So I type py” Is this a typo? I’m not aware of the Python interpreter launching when you type “py”. If it does you may have defined an alias and you may be launching a different Python executable. If you’re using the Anaconda3

[Rdkit-discuss] RWMols, sanitization & fingerprints

2020-02-03 Thread Alan Kerstjens Medina
Hello, I'm trying to "recreate" a template ROMol compound by editing a RWMol using a stochastic algorithm. To guide the algorithm I would like to use Morgan fingerprints, with the goal being to reach a Tanimoto coefficient of 1 between the current molecule's fingerprint and a reference