Hi All,

As I've been transliterating the GettingStartedInPython to
GettingStartedInC++, I've noticed that you get different default behaviour
from Kekulize in the two languages:

m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
print( 'Order : {}'.format( m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetBondType() ) )
print( 'Aromatic : {}'.format( m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )
print( 'After default Kekulize : Aromatic : {}'.format(
m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )

m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
Chem.Kekulize(m1 , clearAromaticFlags=False )
print( 'After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags False : Aromatic : {}'.format(
m1.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )

m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
Chem.Kekulize(m2 , clearAromaticFlags=True )
print( 'After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags True : Aromatic : {}'.format(
m2.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )


Aromatic : True
After default Kekulize : Aromatic : True
After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags False : Aromatic : True
After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags True : Aromatic : False

Whereas the corresponding C++

 RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1" )
) );
  std::cout << "Order : " << mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getBondType() <<
  std::cout << "Aromatic : " << mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic()
<< std::endl;

  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol );
  std::cout << "After default Kekulize : Aromatic : " <<
mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;

  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol1( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1"
) ) );
  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol1 , false );
  std::cout << "After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds false : Aromatic : " <<
mol1->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;

  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol2( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1"
) ) );
  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol2 , true );
  std::cout << "After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds true : Aromatic : " <<
mol2->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;


Order : 12
Aromatic : 1
After default Kekulize : Aromatic : 0
After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds false : Aromatic : 1
After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds true : Aromatic : 0

I.e. by default the Python version clears the Aromatic flags on the bonds,
the C++ doesn't.  That seemed sufficiently anomalous to point out and
consider whether they should be unified.  Although there's a strong
possibility that that would be a breaking change for people's code.

I attach the full program files for the two versions if you want to
reproduce it.  This is on a recent pull of the github code
// Modifying molecules example9.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include <GraphMol/GraphMol.h>
#include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmilesParse.h>
#include <GraphMol/MolOps.h>

int main( int argc , char **argv ) {

  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1" ) ) );
  std::cout << "Order : " << mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getBondType() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Aromatic : " << mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;

  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol );
  std::cout << "After default Kekulize : Aromatic : " << mol->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;
  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol1( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1" ) ) );
  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol1 , false );
  std::cout << "After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds false : Aromatic : " << mol1->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;

  RDKit::RWMOL_SPTR mol2( new RDKit::RWMol( *RDKit::SmilesToMol( "c1ccccc1" ) ) );
  RDKit::MolOps::Kekulize( *mol2 , true );
  std::cout << "After Kekulize, markAtomsBonds true : Aromatic : " << mol2->getBondWithIdx( 0 )->getIsAromatic() << std::endl;

#!/usr/bin/env python

from rdkit import Chem

m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
print( 'Order : {}'.format( m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetBondType() ) )
print( 'Aromatic : {}'.format( m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )
print( 'After default Kekulize : Aromatic : {}'.format( m.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )

m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
Chem.Kekulize(m1 , clearAromaticFlags=False )
print( 'After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags False : Aromatic : {}'.format( m1.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )

m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
Chem.Kekulize(m2 , clearAromaticFlags=True )
print( 'After Kekulize, clearAromaticFlags True : Aromatic : {}'.format( m2.GetBondWithIdx(0).GetIsAromatic() ) )
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