I have a customer who has two separate buildings, a home and a shop. Each
dwelling has it's own service.
He wants to put in two pv systems, one for each service, but wants all the
PV modules to be on the shop roof.
Why is mind going "clunk" when I try to deside if this is allowed by Code?
Mark F
I have not studied this but many people use speed drives to improve the
efficiency of pumps, also a Drive I like is teh ABB and it can use the DC bus
voltage to control drive speed increasing the capability, with caveats.
From: "toddc...@finestplanet.co
How about looking into a more efficient pump first?
On Saturday, April 16, 2011 8:00pm, "Darryl Thayer"
That is 480 x 1.73 x40 A x.8 or 26 kW in the peak of the day, five or 6 big
trackers, or about 50 kW of fixed array. ( I assure they want 40 amp breaker?
I have run 3
Sunpower's modules with integral ballast are my current favorite for flat roof
mounts. We make our own skid frames for ballasted ground mounts.
R. Walters
Solar Engineer
On Apr 16, 2011, at 9:38 PM, Nick Vida wrote:
> hey wrenches.
> i am looking at some ballasted racks.
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