Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: An interesting article

2017-03-02 Thread RayBR
I sometimes play with various tilt angles in PV Watts for different locations too. The weather conditions at different times of year vary from location to location so I don't think there is a one size fits all solution here. Also, I don't think this article or PV Watts takes into account snow

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1000vdc rated multi meter/clamp on

2017-02-20 Thread RayBR
The Seaward offers a lot of features for the money. Not sure if you need THD or instantaneous power readings, but its nice. I've had a bit of trouble navigating the extensive menus, it sometimes seems to freeze, but so does every computer and phone I have used too. R. Ray Walters Chief Techn