Hi Mikko

thanks for the hint , i doublechecked

Below is a copy of the material editor readout.
I think its not a serious issue as there is an easy
reliable workaround :-)


material 97066b26-d627-4383-acbf-88e1947f3146
   receive_shadows on
   transparency_casts_shadows off
      lod_index 0
      scheme Default
         lighting on
         max_lights 8
         start_light 0
         iteration once
         ambient 0.560784 0.615686 0.619608 1
         diffuse 0.560784 0.615686 0.619608 1
         specular 0.672941 0.738824 0.743529 1 15
         emissive 0 0 0 1
         point_size 1
         point_sprites off
         point_size_attenuation off
         point_size_min 0
         point_size_max 0
         scene_blend one zero
         depth_check on
         alpha_rejection always_pass 0
         depth_write on
         depth_func less_equal
         depth_bias 0 0
         cull_hardware clockwise
         cull_software back
         shading gouraud
         polygon_mode solid
         fog_override false

            texture 1_Metal_Panel.jpg
            max_anisotropy 1
            tex_coord_set 0
            tex_address_mode wrap
            tex_border_colour 0 0 0 1
            filtering linear linear point
            mipmap_bias 0
            colour_op_ex modulate src_texture src_current
            colour_op_multipass_fallback dest_colour zero
            alpha_op_ex modulate src_texture src_current
            rotate 0
            scroll 0 0
            scale 1 1
            binding_type fragment
            content_type named



On May 27, 10:02 am, Mikko Pallari <mikko.pall...@evocativi.com>
> Hi,
> In Ogre material script you need to set variable: receive_shadows on
> Cheers,
> Mikko
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 4:04 PM, pedro <psteinlech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I just did a little test with some objects made in sketchup using the
> > ogre exporter and noticed that parts with a texture asigned do receive
> > shadows casted by other objects, while parts of the same model with
> > asigned colors
> > show the colors correctly, but dont receive shadows.
> > Easy workaround for this could be to create textures for those colors
> > Is there a fix for this to expect, or is it better to use the above
> > mentioned workaround ?
> > --
> >http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> >http://www.realxtend.org


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