Ben Minton wrote:
>Yes, I have Lynx. Read about Dillo yesterday. Is it a
>non-X browser? Was not able to discern.
nope, dillo needs X. You would probably appreciate w3m as a text-mode
browser, though...
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Thank you. Yes I'll put it on the web eventually plus hopefully quite a bit
of other stuff. My Rebol priority at the moment is on a sort of small
interactive Parse analyser. The basics work - I'm just trying to design a
reasonable View interaction model for it. I hoping it will be a good way to
Hi Tim
Thanks for the reply. No X ... because I run an older
486 and did not have the space for the full install.
Also I wanted to 'learn' Linux not just point-and-click
like windows.
Yes, I have Lynx. Read about Dillo yesterday. Is it a
non-X browser? Was not able to discern.
Cheers, Ben
Thanks Brett and Romano,
You have answered my question and far beyond. This is the actual case
I was "working" on.
favorite: layout [
style fv text 200 "?"
style bt-fv btn-enter "change" [
; look for the previous face
value: back find face/parent-face/pane face ; <--
Thanks again, everyone. Your suggestions are enlightening.
This last HEAD example shows that the eTag is identical
for the two pages loaded. If this is usual behavior for
HTTP 1.1 servers, I think the best solution will be to
1) compare urls. If the host part does not contain "www",
I will che
Hi Brett,
Great message. You should post it someplace (e.g. REP or
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* Ben Minton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031026 01:51]:
> Hi All
> I recently migrated from Windows to RH 9.0 Linux but
> chose to perform a command line install.
> As I have not installed any of the X packages, I
> cannot install any sort of GUI type Web Browser.
> Although I can use Lynx, t
Hi Ashley,
> > It might be useful to have both, making the SQL parser subordinate (a
> > helper) to the SQL dialect.
> Not a bad idea in theory, although my impression after working with a
> large variety of RDBMS's over the years is that very few people use
> low-level API hooks when generic S
Hi Patrick,
I got a little carried away with some examples :^)
> How can the same thing be an object or a block ? See an example:
> foreach face lay/pane [
> print [face/style type? face]
At this point your example prints:
text object
button object
> What I am looking for is a way to navigate through window/pane to
> change some faces without the need of a variable. For example, with a
> layout composed of a,b,c,d,e I would like that a click on b will
> change c. In other words, knowing one face, being able to move to the
> next or the previ
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 23:30:11 -0700, Elan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My preference for this kind of tasks is using objects. Even though it is
> a little more verbose, I find it quite intuitive to use the get and set
> functions, as in:
> ...
Hi, I made several test WRT use blocks VS objects. To
Hi List,
How can the same thing be an object or a block ? See an example:
; a simple layout
lay: layout [
text "Hello"
button "Test" [mytest face]
; explore lay/pane
mytest: func [
f [object!]
/local f2
; here an object
foreach face lay/pane
Hi All
I recently migrated from Windows to RH 9.0 Linux but
chose to perform a command line install.
As I have not installed any of the X packages, I
cannot install any sort of GUI type Web Browser.
Although I can use Lynx, the text browser but it is very
Is it possible to use/
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