[REBOL] Re: FTP upload/download

2004-05-21 Thread Bohdan or Rosemary Lechnowsky
JĂșlio, If you are running Windows, download http://www.sonic.net/~amicom/bin/Smooth-Copy.exe This is version 2.511. It is written entirely in Rebol/View/Pro and has been encapped as an executable for easy distribution. Simply copy it to where you want it installed and run it from that locat

[REBOL] Re: [html][tables] removing gaps from table cells and rows within css...

2004-05-21 Thread Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
I checked it out and neither iexplorer or netscape seem to support the border-spacing css tags. so, I'm using the trusty, old, html 4.01 cellspacing table attribute... which, of course, works... its funny how everyone seems to say... don't use html tags anymore, css is much better... yet bro

[REBOL] Re: [html][tables] removing gaps from table cells and rows within css...

2004-05-21 Thread Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
thanks Roland... > table { > ... > border-collapse:collapse; > } this is a little extreme, it collapses the edges themselves...and it ends up looking all screwed up !? > BTW: this site seems to have decent online references and tutorials for > HTML/CSS... > > http://www.w3schools.com/defaul

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Gregg Irwin
Hi Cyphre, C> I'd like to add that If anoyne is interested to just use(and test) my C> prototype styles feel free to contact me and I'll send latest style C> package... C> But before I put my efforts to do this I'd like to know if anyone is C> interested... Maybe you could hook up with Sunanda

[REBOL] Re: Segmentation fault from http port

2004-05-21 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca
Hi, > I repeatedly get a segmentation fault when trying to read http://home.tiscali.dk/Andy%20Warhol2.htm on a Mac OSX. Try to read the same URL from a Win2k, and do not get the fault. The URL behaves a bit funny (quasi-circular redirects). Turn on trace/net, and you'll see (but hurry, the URL me

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Cyphre
Hi Gregg, just read your post(few minutes I sent mine one) ;-) For those who don't read Rebol-View AltME world, here is my announce which I decided to post also here on this great Mailing List: "Hello guys...as you could noticed I'm currently not much active on the View1.3 project as I would li

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Cyphre
Hi, I did bar menu and context menu style http://www.rebol.cz/~cyphre/menu.jpg (the screnshot is from a bit older older version) If you are interested let me know privately so I'll send you the latest version. Regards, Cyphre - Original Message - From: "Arie van Wingerden" <[EMAIL PRO

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Gregg Irwin
Hi Arie, AvW> since I am creating a REBOL program with a GUI, I needed to implement a menu AvW> structure. In addition to DocKimbel's work, I believe Frank Sievertsen did a menu style (look for the FX5 folder in the View Desktop). The most recent, and perhaps most complete, is Cyphre's terrific

[REBOL] [EXIF] [translation] help anyone?

2004-05-21 Thread Jason Cunliffe
I found two scripts by Piotr Gapinski on rebol.org to to view and edit digicam EXIF files. http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/search.r?find=EXIF ...Could anyone translate the comments in them - [Polish, I think]? thanks -- Jason -- To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email t

[REBOL] Segmentation fault from http port

2004-05-21 Thread Hallvard Ystad
Hello I repeatedly get a segmentation fault when trying to read http://home.tiscali.dk/Andy%20Warhol2.htm on a Mac OSX. Try to read the same URL from a Win2k, and do not get the fault. The URL behaves a bit funny (quasi-circular redirects). Turn on trace/net, and you'll see (but hurry, the URL

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Anton Rolls
A long while ago, DocKimbel implemented a menu system in his win95 skin. Open up your View 1.2.1 interpreter and do this code in the console: dir: first split-path path-thru http://rebol.softinnov.org/demo.r make-dir/deep dir change-dir dir do load-thru http://rebol.softinnov.org/do-win95.r Ther

[REBOL] Re: Latest View beta refuses to connect to the 'net...

2004-05-21 Thread Anton Rolls
That's not the latest beta. Get the latest beta here: http://www.rebol.net/projects/view1.3/downloads/ http://www.rebol.net/projects/view1.3/downloads/rebview1246031.exe There's a way to hack around this problem anyway: set-browser-path "explorer.exe " browse http://ww

[REBOL] Latest View beta refuses to connect to the 'net...

2004-05-21 Thread John Dutcher
I installed 'view1210031.exe' at the suggestion of the author of the 'RebDB' database utility as my current Rebol version failed to work with itdue, he noted, to its failure to support the 'only' refinement. The database works beautifully now...but the message below results from clicking an

[REBOL] Re: [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Carl Read
>Hi all, > >since I am creating a REBOL program with a GUI, I needed to implement a menu >structure. > >I've read "REBOL/View Developer's Guide" and "A Beginner's Guide to REBOL >Visual Interfaces", but neither of them has the required info. > >Any hints where to look? You can use choice for simp

[REBOL] [VID//menu]

2004-05-21 Thread Arie van Wingerden
Hi all, since I am creating a REBOL program with a GUI, I needed to implement a menu structure. I've read "REBOL/View Developer's Guide" and "A Beginner's Guide to REBOL Visual Interfaces", but neither of them has the required info. Any hints where to look? TIA. Met vriendelijke groet / with