Messages is finally above the 1.0 release number and deservedly so. Using
the single %messages.cgi script, you can now do the following:

1. Display news headlines with a built-in commenting system.

2. Run an open discussion forum.

3. Run an open classifieds section.

4. Create, edit, or delete any set of messages (news, forum, classified,
other) using an encrypted login system which uses a session ID to timeout
administration functions after a specified amount of time.

How does it do this? Messages primarily accepts three variables to
determine what to do next. You pass the variables actionType, messageType,
and messageID via CGI. Following are examples of the types of values these
variables may hold:


        display a message creation form

        create a new message

        create a comment, using the mother message's messageID as the
comment's messageType

        display messages

        search messages for a keyword

        display the comments that have been made on a message

        return the contents of a message in a form for editing the message

        edit a message

        delete a message

        display the form for logging in to use administration functions

        login to use administration functions


    other (whatever naming convention you choose)
    20010420123456 (the messageID of a parent message, used for comment


    20010420123456 (a string of numbers based on the date and time of
creation, also used for naming the XML file which contains the message)

Messages also passes the sessionID variable during administration
functions. The sessionID is also  a string of numbers based on the date and
time of sessionID creation or update.

Following are the improvements for this version:

1. Added subroutines which removes displaying redundant search forms and
message creation buttons after a search.

2. Added a classified advertising system, which is essentially a forum
system without the commenting system.

3. Removed some more redundant code.

Plans for future versions:

1. Slim down the code as much as possible.
2. Replace encryption system with a new one.
3. Add commenting support to administration functions.
4. Change all forms from GET to POST (currently using GET for
troubleshooting purposes.)

As always, your comments are greatly appreciated (and even heeded.) The
script follows.


#!rebol -cs

    Title:   "Messages"
    Date:    20-Apr-2001
    Version: 1.0.5
    File:    %messages.cgi
    Author:  "Ryan C. Christiansen"
    Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Rights:  "Copyright (C) Ryan C. Christiansen 1999-2001"
    Purpose: {

        Create, display, edit, and delete messages using a standard XML
storage format and CSS2-reference <DIV> tags for display. The script is
dependent on the use of .css stylesheets for separate messageTypes.

    Comment: {
        This file %messages.cgi is a single engine for creating,
displaying, editing, and deleting messages. For displaying, editing, and
deleting messages, %messages.cgi must receive the following variables as
CGI input: actionType, messageType, and messageID. For creating messages,
%messages.cgi must receive a REBOL e-mail object! as input or the following
variables as CGI input: actionType, messageType, subject, author, and
content. During message creation, %messages.cgi creates the following
variables: date and messageID.

    History: [
        0.0.9 [4-Jan-2001 "Created %std_msg_func_lib.r based on previous
work." "Ryan"]
         0.1.1 [5-Jan-2001 "Added 'display-markup object! functions and
changed file name to %standard-message-function-library.r" "Ryan"]
         0.1.2 [8-Jan-2001 "Fixed 'read-message-directory to output file
names including path to directory defined by messageType." "Ryan"]
         0.2.1 [9-Jan-2001 "Corrected target 'word in 'write-xml-message.
Added 'create-message object! functions. Corrected 'display-markup to
output string! datatype instead of block! datatype. Negated use of
'message-request-data target variable in 'read-directory-messages. Added
'get-messages-for-display object! functions." "Ryan"]
         0.2.3 [10-Jan-2001 "Added 'display-messages function, the
top-level function for displaying messages. Pared down usage in 'Example
portion of header to include only top-most functions. Removed /html-output
function from 'get-messages-for-display object! and removed /html function
from 'display-markup object!" "Ryan"]
         0.2.4 [11-Jan-2001 "Changed the order of values (switched 'author'
and 'subject') for the XML grammar in all functions. Changed the 'either
switch in 'display-messages from 'none to the string! datatype 'none'."
        0.2.5 [8-Feb-2001 "Removed incorrect class/id combinations from CSS
font designations. Changed 'display-markup and 'display-messages to markup
content using only CSS class designations instead of class/id
combinations." "Ryan"]
        0.2.7 [18-Feb-2001 "Added routine to 'display-messages function
which will display all messages in a directory minus the content value. The
index option is called by sending 'index' as the 'messageID value to
'display-messages." "Ryan"]
        0.3.7 [28-Mar-2001 "Changed name of script to %messages.cgi.
Changed e-mail address in header. Updated Comment and Example field in
header. Changed 'display-markup to markup messages using <div> tags instead
of <font> tags. Changed 'display-markup from a function to an object which
includes 'for-reading object including 'with-reference (display messageID
and messageType) and 'without-reference functions, and also 'for-editing
object with 'with-reference function to display a message or messages for
editing, including <FORM> and <INPUT> tags. Added 'edit-message function
for editing messages. Added 'edited-from-cgi function to 'decode-to-object
object! Added 'delete-message function. Added 'message-action-cgi
uber-function." "Ryan"]
        0.5.0 [29-Mar-2001 "Added return display for delete, create, and
edit switches in 'message-action-cgi. Changed 'append to 'insert in
'read-directory-messages function, which will make newest messages display
first. Changed radio button value for edit/delete choice from 'choice' to
'actionType'. Fixed the way 'for-editing object functions display form
values and form targets. Added form for creating new messages to
'for-editing object functions. Added 'create-form' action type to switch in
'message-action-cgi function. Added 'display-create-form function to
display message creation form. Added Bohdan Lechnowsky's %encrypt.r
functions. Created 'encrypt-logins function for creating %.bin files
containing usernames and passwords. Added 'display-login-form function to
display login form. Added 'sessionID check to all administration functions
including delete, edit, display-admin, create, and create-form. Added
'sessionID variables to form output in all admin forms. Added sort/reverse
statement in 'read-dir
ectory-messages function in an attempt to make the newest messages display
first. Added if error? try statement to program section script which will
default to displaying messages in the absence of cgi input data." "Ryan"]
        0.5.1 [30-Mar-2001 "Changed sort/reverse statement in
'read-directory-messages function so that it sorts the 'message-directory
block instead of the 'message-block block." "Ryan"]
        0.5.6 [4-Apr-2001 "Removed HTML headers from 'display-create-form
and 'display-login-form. Removed 'without-reference function in
'display-messages/for-reading object!, making 'display-messages/for-reading
a function replacing the 'with-reference function. Made
'display-messages/for-editing a function replacing the 'with-reference
function within the 'display-messages/for-editing object! All messages will
display references. Changed 'display-admin' switch to 'edit-form' in
'message-action-cgi function. Added parse statement to display 'messageID
and 'messageType in 'display-messages/for-editing function." "Ryan"]
        0.6.0 [5-Apr-2001 "Added 'display-comments' switch to
'message-action-cgi, including 'reverse-input function which will make the
messageID the messageType for comment viewing and posting. Added post/view
comments link to 'display-messages/for-editing function. Added error
correction to stylesheet loading, making it load %comments.css on error
(expecting an error when the messageType is messageID after the
'reverse-input operation. Added 'display-comment-form function." "Ryan"]
        0.6.6 [6-Apr-2001 "Added 'post-comment-input object to 'comment'
switch, including 'parent-messageID value in 'comment' switch and
'display-comment-form function, allowing a comment's parent to be displayed
after commenting, eliminating an error. Made 'display-messages/for-reading
function an object! containing functions 'for-commenting and
'no-commenting. Updated 'message-action-cgi switch statements for the
change. Added 'parent-message-input object and 'post-comment-reverse-input
object to 'comment' switch for displaying original message and proper
comment input form after comment creation. Added <DIV> tag to post/view
comments link. Added post/view comments links to
'display-messages/for-editing function. Added 'display-comments-edit'
switch to 'message-action-cgi function." "Ryan"]
        0.7.4 [11-Apr-2001 "Added 'message-block return statement to
'read-directory-messages function and moved 'sort/reverse statement to sort
'message-block instead of 'message-directory. Added error-checking to
'display' switch in 'message-action-cgi. Added 'make decimal! statement to
'login' switch in 'message-action-cgi. Created 'check-sessionID function to
replace redundant code in 'message-action-cgi. Added 'sessionID-timeout
value in configuration section. Changed 'Edit' and 'Delete' and 'Create
New!' options in 'display-messages/for-editing function to be more
descriptive. Added 'search-messages function. Added 'search' switch to
'message-action-cgi. Added search form to all 'display-messages object!
output." "Ryan"]
        0.7.5 [12-Apr-2001 "Moved 'message-block return statement in
'search-messages function. Removed 'search' switch debugging in
'message-action-cgi." "Ryan"]
        0.8.1 [18-Apr-2001 "Changed 'insert to 'append in
'read-directory-messages function. Added 'display-search-form function to
replace redundant code in 'display-messages object! Added
'display-create-button function to replace redundant code in
'display-messages/for-editing function. Added 'display-edit-message-button
function to replace redundant code in 'display-messages/for-editing
function. Added 'display-delete-message-button function to replace
redundant code in 'display-messages/for-editing function. Added
'display-comments-link function to replace redundant code in
'display-messages object!" "Ryan"]
        0.8.2 [19-Apr-2001 "Added 'display-comments-edit-link function to
replace redundant code in 'display-messages/for-editing function." "Ryan"]
        0.9.4 [20-Apr-2001 "Added 'return-div-text function to replace
redundant code in 'display-messages object! Added 'return-messageID
function to replace redundant code in 'display-messages object! Added
'return-messageType function to replace redundant code in 'display-messages
object! Added 'display-messages/forum-style function for using
%messages.cgi to run a forum. Added 'display-create-button-forum function
for creating new messages in 'display-messages/forum-style function. Added
'create-form-forum' switch to 'message-action-cgi function. Added
'display-create-form-forum function for displaying a message creation form
in a forum environment. Added 'create-forum' switch to 'message-action-cgi
function for creating new messages in a forum environment. Added
'display-comments-forum-link function for using the commenting system
within a forum environment. Added 'display-comments-forum' switch to
'message-action-cgi function for using the commenting system within a forum
environment. Added 'display-com
ments-form-forum function for displaying a commenting system form within a
forum environment. Added 'comment-forum' switch to 'message-action-cgi for
creating comments within a forum environment. Added
'display-search-form-forum function to allow searches within a forum
environment. Added 'search-forum' switch to 'message-action-cgi function to
return forum-style message display after a search." "Ryan"]
        1.0.5 [23-Apr-2001 "Made all 'display-messages object! functions
into object! datatypes including 'with-search-form and 'without-search-form
sub-functions. Added /with-search-form and /without-search-form paths to
switch statements in 'message-action-cgi function. Removed
'display-create-button-forum function from
'display-messages/forum-style/without-search-form function and renamed
'display-messages/forum-style/without-search-form function to
'display-messages/forum-style/without-search-and-create. Renamed
'display-messages/forum-style/with-search-form function to
'display-messages/forum-style/with-search-and-create. Changed paths in
'message-action-cgi to correspond with new function naming conventions.
Added 'display-create-button-forum function to 'search-forum' switch in
'message-action-cgi. Added 'classified-style object! within
'display-messages object! which includes 'with-search-and-create and
'without-search-and-create functions. Added 'classified' switch to
'message-action-cgi function. Ad
ded 'display-create-form-classified function. Added
'display-create-button-classified and changed all references to
'display-create-button-forum in 'display-messages/classified-style object!
to 'display-create-button-classified. Added 'create-classified' switch to
'message-action-cgi. Added 'display-search-form-classified function and
changed all references to 'display-search-form-forum in
'display-messages/classified-style object! to
'display-search-form-classified. Removed redundant 'time-in-digits function
code from decode-to-object! object! Added 'create-form-classified' switch
to 'message-action-cgi." "Ryan"]

    Example: {

        Decode CGI input and create, display, edit, or delete message(s).
This is the script's uber-function for CGI.


        To decode CGI input from the web server:

            cgi-input: retrieve-user-data

        Using decoded CGI data, write XML standard message file to
directory determined by messageType.

            create-message/from-cgi cgi-input

         Using an e-mail message or newsgroup message in the form of a
REBOL e-mail object!, write XML standard message file to 'email' directory.

            create-message/from-email email-message

        Convert decoded CGI data into the standard message object!,
overwriting a previously created message.

             edit-message cgi-input

        Delete a previously created message.

             delete-message cgi-input

         Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader.

             display-messages/for-reading/with-reference cgi-input

        Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, not displaying the messageID nor the
messageType to the reader.

             display-messages/for-reading/without-reference cgi-input

        Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader, in an HTML form for editing.

             display-messages/for-editing/with-reference cgi-input

;#           CONFIGURATION              #

sessionID-timeout: make decimal! 1000

;#             FUNCTIONS                #

translate-message: make object! [

    xml-tags: [
        ["subject" "/subject"]
        ["author" "/author"]
        ["date" "/date"]
        ["content" "/content"]
        ["messageID" "/messageID"]
         ["messageType" "/messageType"]

    markup-data: func [
        "Converts a standard message object! into a string containing the
XML-format standard message."
        data [object!] "The standard message object!"
        data-object: make data []
        object-data: next first data-object
        output: copy ""
        for x 1 (length? xml-tags) 1 [
            item: reform [rejoin ["data-object" "/" (first object-data)]]
            made-tag: rejoin ["" (build-tag [(xml-tags/1/1)]) (do item)
(build-tag [(xml-tags/1/2)])]
             xml-tags: next xml-tags
             object-data: next object-data
             append output made-tag
        xml-tags: head xml-tags

    read-markup: func [
        "Converts a file containing the XML-format standard message into a
standard message object!"
        xml-file [file!] "File containing the XML-format standard message."
        message-data: load/markup xml-file
        xml-data: make object! [
             subject: message-data/<subject>
            author: message-data/<author>
            date: message-data/<date>
            content: message-data/<content>
            messageID: message-data/<messageID>
             messageType: message-data/<messageType>

decode-to-object: make object! [

    from-cgi: func [
        "Converts decoded CGI data into the standard message object!"
        cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data."
        make object! [
             subject: cgi-data/subject
            author: cgi-data/author
            date: now
            content: cgi-data/content
            messageID: time-in-digits now
            messageType: cgi-data/messageType

    edited-from-cgi: func [
        "Converts decoded CGI data into the standard message object!"
        cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data."
        make object! [
             subject: cgi-data/subject
            author: cgi-data/author
            date: cgi-data/date
            content: cgi-data/content
            messageID: cgi-data/messageID
            messageType: cgi-data/messageType

    from-email: func [
        "Converts the standard REBOL e-mail object! into the standard
message object!"
        email-data [object!] "Standard REBOL e-mail object!"
        make object! [
            subject: email-data/subject
             author: email-data/from
             date: email-data/date
             content: email-data/content
             messageID: time-in-digits now
             messageType: "email"

time-in-digits: func [
    "Convert the date and time from 'now' into a string of digits."
    sun-dial [date!] "The current date and time from 'now'"
    year: to-string sun-dial/year
    month: to-string sun-dial/month
    if (length? month) < 2 [insert month "0"]
    day: to-string sun-dial/day
    if (length? day) < 2 [insert day "0"]

    current-time: sun-dial/time
    hour: to-string current-time/hour
    if (length? hour) < 2 [insert hour "0"]
    minutes: to-string current-time/minute
    if (length? minutes) < 2 [insert minutes "0"]
    seconds: to-string current-time/second
    if (length? seconds) < 2 [insert seconds "0"]

    rejoin [year month day hour minutes seconds]

retrieve-user-data: func [] [
    return make object! decode-cgi
    either system/options/cgi/request-method = "POST" [

write-xml-message: func [
    "Write the XML-formatted standard message data with a file name
determined by messageID and to a directory determined by messageType."
    xml-message-string [string!] "The XML-formatted standard message as it
resides in memory as a string! datatype."
    message-data: load/markup xml-message-string
    save-path: make file! (rejoin [message-data/<messageType> "/"
    write/binary save-path xml-message-string

read-message-directory: func [
    "Read a directory of file names corresponding to a directory of
XML-formatted standard messages with the directory determined by
    message-request-data [object!] "The data from the request to view
messages, typically from an HTML form submitted to CGI."
    message-directory: read (directory-name: make file! (rejoin
[message-request-data/messageType "/"]))
    foreach message message-directory [
        replace message message (make file! (rejoin
[message-request-data/messageType "/" message]))

read-message: func [
    "Read a specific XML-formatted standard message with the directory
determined by messageType and the file name determined by messageID."
    message-request-data [object!] "The data from the request to view a
specific message, typically from an HTML form submitted to CGI."
    message-directory: read (directory-name: make file! (rejoin
[message-request-data/messageType "/" message-request-data/messageID]))

read-directory-messages: func [
    "Read a directory of XML-formatted standard messages with the directory
determined by messageType."
    message-directory [block!] "A block of file names corresponding to a
directory of XML-formatted standard messages."
    message-block: copy []
    sort/reverse message-directory
    foreach file-name message-directory [
        file-contents: read file-name
         append message-block file-contents

display-markup: make object! [

    xml-values: ["subject" "author" "date" "content" "messageID"

    css: func [
        "Markup a standard message using standardized cascading style
sheets tags as the display markup."
        xml-message-string [string!] "The XML-formatted standard message as
it resides in memory as a string! datatype."
        css-markup: copy []
         standard-message-data: load/markup xml-message-string
         foreach value xml-values [
             value-content: reform [rejoin ["standard-message-data" "/" "<"
(first xml-values) ">"]]
             append css-markup (rejoin [{<div class="} value {">} (do
value-content) {</div>}])
             xml-values: next xml-values
        xml-values: head xml-values
         css-markup: make string! css-markup

create-message: make object! [

    from-cgi: func [
        "Using decoded CGI data, writes XML standard message file to
directory determined by messageType."
        cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
        standard-message-object: decode-to-object/from-cgi cgi-input
        xml-message-string: translate-message/markup-data
        write-xml-message xml-message-string

    from-email: func [
        "Using an e-mail message in the form of a REBOL e-mail object!,
writes XML standard message file to 'email' directory."
        email-message [object!] "E-mail message in the form of a REBOL
e-mail object!"
        standard-message-object: decode-to-object/from-email email-message
        xml-message-string: translate-message/markup-data
        write-xml-message xml-message-string

edit-message: func [
    "Converts decoded CGI data into the standard message object!,
overwriting a previously created message."
    cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data."
    standard-message-object: decode-to-object/edited-from-cgi cgi-input
    xml-message-string: translate-message/markup-data
    write-xml-message xml-message-string

delete-message: func [
    "Deletes a previously created message."
    cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data."
    file-to-delete: make file! (rejoin [cgi-data/messageType "/"
    delete file-to-delete

get-messages-for-display: make object! [

    all-messages-in-directory: make object! [

        css-output: func [
         "Using decoded CGI data, create a block! of messages marked up for
display using standardized cascading style sheets tags as the display
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID (set to
none) sent as an appendage to the url request."
            message-directory: read-message-directory cgi-input
             messages: read-directory-messages message-directory
            messages-for-display: copy []
            foreach xml-message messages [
                css-message: display-markup/css xml-message
                append messages-for-display css-message

    specific-message: make object! [

        css-output: func [
         "Using decoded CGI data, mark up a specific message for display
using standardized cascading style sheets tags as the display markup."
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            file-path: make file! (rejoin [cgi-input/messageType "/"
             xml-message: read file-path
            css-message: display-markup/css xml-message

display-messages: make object! [

    css-classes: ["subject" "author" "date" "content" "messageID"

    for-reading: make object! [

        for-commenting: make object! [

            with-search-form: func [
                {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and
messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID
specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of
messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the
messageID and messageType to the reader.}
                cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an
HTML page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent
as an appendage to the url request."
                switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                    "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        display-search-form cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                switch/default class [
                                    "messageID" [
                                        return-div-text class message
                                        this-messageID: return-messageID
class message
                                    "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                            display-comments-link this-messageID
                    "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        display-search-form cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                switch/default class [
                                    "content" [
                                        next css-classes
                                    "messageID" [
                                        return-div-text class message
                                        this-messageID: return-messageID
class message
                                    "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                            display-comments-link this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form cgi-input
                    foreach class css-classes [
                        switch/default class [
                            "messageID" [
                                return-div-text class message
                                this-messageID: return-messageID class
                            "messageType" [
                                return-div-text class message
                                this-messageType: return-messageType class
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                    display-comments-link this-messageID this-messageType

            without-search-form: func [
                {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and
messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID
specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of
messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the
messageID and messageType to the reader.}
                cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an
HTML page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent
as an appendage to the url request."
                switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                    "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                switch/default class [
                                    "messageID" [
                                        return-div-text class message
                                        this-messageID: return-messageID
class message
                                    "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                            display-comments-link this-messageID
                    "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                switch/default class [
                                    "content" [
                                        next css-classes
                                    "messageID" [
                                        return-div-text class message
                                        this-messageID: return-messageID
class message
                                    "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                            display-comments-link this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach class css-classes [
                        switch/default class [
                            "messageID" [
                                return-div-text class message
                                this-messageID: return-messageID class
                            "messageType" [
                                return-div-text class message
                                this-messageType: return-messageType class
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                    display-comments-link this-messageID this-messageType

        no-commenting: make object! [

            with-search-form: func [
                {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and
messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID
specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of
messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the
messageID and messageType to the reader.}
                cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an
HTML page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent
as an appendage to the url request."
                switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                    "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        display-search-form cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                    "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        display-search-form cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                either class = "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form cgi-input
                    foreach class css-classes [
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]

            without-search-form: func [
                {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and
messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID
specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of
messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the
messageID and messageType to the reader.}
                cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an
HTML page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent
as an appendage to the url request."
                switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                    "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                    "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                        foreach message messages [
                            foreach class css-classes [
                                either class = "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach class css-classes [
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]

    for-editing: make object! [

        with-search-form: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader, in an HTML form for editing.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form cgi-input
                    display-create-button cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-edit-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-delete-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form cgi-input
                    display-create-button cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-edit-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-delete-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                display-search-form cgi-input
                display-create-button cgi-input
                print {<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">}
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch class [
                        "subject" [
                            pre-subject: {<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-subject: {"><BR>}
                            print rejoin [pre-subject item post-subject]
                        "author" [
                            pre-author: {<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-author: {"><BR>}
                            print rejoin [pre-author item post-author]
                        "date" [
                            pre-date: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="date"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-date: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-date item post-date]
                        "content" [
                            print {<TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (print text)]
                            print {</TEXTAREA><P>}
                        "messageID" [
                            pre-messageID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageID" VALUE="}
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                            post-messageID: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-messageID item
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (this-messageID: copy text)]
                        "messageType" [
                            pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageType" VALUE="}
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                            post-messageType: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-messageType item
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (this-messageType: copy text)]
                pre-sessionID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sessionID" VALUE
                post-sessionID: {">}
                print rejoin [pre-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID
                print {Edit the text above and then<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio"
NAME="actionType" VALUE="edit"> Save Changes <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME
="actionType" VALUE="delete"> Delete Message }
                print {<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Go!"></FORM>}
                display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID

        without-search-form: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader, in an HTML form for editing.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-create-button cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                        return-div-text class message
return-messageType class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-edit-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-delete-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form cgi-input
                    display-create-button cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-edit-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-delete-message-button cgi-input
this-messageID this-messageType
                        display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                display-create-button cgi-input
                print {<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">}
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch class [
                        "subject" [
                            pre-subject: {<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-subject: {"><BR>}
                            print rejoin [pre-subject item post-subject]
                        "author" [
                            pre-author: {<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-author: {"><BR>}
                            print rejoin [pre-author item post-author]
                        "date" [
                            pre-date: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="date"
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            post-date: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-date item post-date]
                        "content" [
                            print {<TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (print text)]
                            print {</TEXTAREA><P>}
                        "messageID" [
                            pre-messageID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageID" VALUE="}
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                            post-messageID: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-messageID item
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (this-messageID: copy text)]
                        "messageType" [
                            pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageType" VALUE="}
                            css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (item: copy text)]
                            parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru
</div> (print text)]
                            post-messageType: {">}
                            print rejoin [pre-messageType item
                            parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to
</div> (this-messageType: copy text)]
                pre-sessionID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sessionID" VALUE
                post-sessionID: {">}
                print rejoin [pre-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID
                print {Edit the text above and then<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio"
NAME="actionType" VALUE="edit"> Save Changes <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME
="actionType" VALUE="delete"> Delete Message }
                print {<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Go!"></FORM>}
                display-comments-edit-link cgi-input this-messageID

    forum-style: make object! [

        with-search-and-create: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form-forum cgi-input
                    display-create-button-forum cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-comments-forum-link this-messageID
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form-forum cgi-input
                    display-create-button-forum cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-comments-forum-link this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                display-search-form-forum cgi-input
                display-create-button-forum cgi-input
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch/default class [
                        "messageID" [
                            return-div-text class message
                            this-messageID: return-messageID class message
                        "messageType" [
                            return-div-text class message
                            this-messageType: return-messageType class
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]
                display-comments-forum-link this-messageID this-messageType

        without-search-and-create: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-comments-forum-link this-messageID
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageID: return-messageID class
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                    this-messageType: return-messageType
class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                        display-comments-forum-link this-messageID
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch/default class [
                        "messageID" [
                            return-div-text class message
                            this-messageID: return-messageID class message
                        "messageType" [
                            return-div-text class message
                            this-messageType: return-messageType class
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]
                display-comments-forum-link this-messageID this-messageType

    classified-style: make object! [

        with-search-and-create: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form-classified cgi-input
                    display-create-button-classified cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    display-search-form-classified cgi-input
                    display-create-button-classified cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                display-search-form-classified cgi-input
                display-create-button-classified cgi-input
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch/default class [
                        "messageID" [
                            return-div-text class message
                        "messageType" [
                            return-div-text class message
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]

        without-search-and-create: func [
            {Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType
variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a
directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages
(messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID
and messageType to the reader.}
            cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML
page, most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
            switch/default cgi-input/messageID [
                "none" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
                "index" [
get-messages-for-display/all-messages-in-directory/css-output cgi-input
                    foreach message messages [
                        foreach class css-classes [
                            switch/default class [
                                "content" [
                                    next css-classes
                                "messageID" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                "messageType" [
                                    return-div-text class message
                                css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                                parse/all message [to css-tag copy text
thru </div> (print text)]
get-messages-for-display/specific-message/css-output cgi-input
                foreach class css-classes [
                    switch/default class [
                        "messageID" [
                            return-div-text class message
                        "messageType" [
                            return-div-text class message
                        css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
                        parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div>
(print text)]

display-create-form: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for message creation.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    pre-sessionID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sessionID" VALUE="}
    post-sessionID: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID post-sessionID]
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE="subject"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author" VALUE="author"><BR>
        <TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS="40">content</TEXTAREA><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save This Message!">

display-create-form-forum: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for message creation.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create-forum">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE="subject"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author" VALUE="author"><BR>
        <TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS="40">content</TEXTAREA><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save This Message!">

display-create-form-classified: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for message creation.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create-classified">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE="subject"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author" VALUE="author"><BR>
        <TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS="40">content</TEXTAREA><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save This Message!">

display-comment-form: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for message creation.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="comment">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    pre-parent-messageID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="parent-messageID"
    post-parent-messageID: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-parent-messageID cgi-input/parent-messageID
    pre-parent-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="parent-messageType"
    post-parent-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-parent-messageType cgi-input/parent-messageType
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE="subject"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author" VALUE="author"><BR>
        <TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS="40">content</TEXTAREA><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save This Message!">

display-comment-form-forum: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for message creation.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="comment-forum">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    pre-parent-messageID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="parent-messageID"
    post-parent-messageID: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-parent-messageID cgi-input/parent-messageID
    pre-parent-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="parent-messageType"
    post-parent-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-parent-messageType cgi-input/parent-messageType
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE="subject"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="author" VALUE="author"><BR>
        <TEXTAREA NAME="content" ROWS="24" COLS="40">content</TEXTAREA><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save This Message!">

display-login-form: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for logging in to use admin functions.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."

    print {
        <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="login">
    pre-messageType: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="}
    post-messageType: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageType cgi-input/messageType post-messageType]
    pre-messageID: {<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="messageID" VALUE="}
    post-messageID: {">}
    print rejoin [pre-messageID cgi-input/messageID post-messageID]
    print {
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="userID" VALUE="username"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" VALUE="password"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login!">


check-sessionID: func [
    {Check a user's sessionID value to make sure it is still valid.}
    user-sessionID [string!] {The sessionID value as generated after login
and continuously updated during a session.}
    sessionID-timeout [decimal!] {A decimal value representing the amount
of time a user may be logged in to use administration functions without
taking any action.}
    /local sessionID-check
    user-sessionID: make decimal! user-sessionID
    sessionID-check: make decimal! time-in-digits now
    return either (user-sessionID + sessionID-timeout) > sessionID-check [

search-messages: func [
    "Searches a directory of messages for a keyword match and returns a
block of messageIDs for messages containing the keyword."
    cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data."
    /local message-directory messages messages-with-keyword xml-message
this-message message-with-keyword
    message-directory: read-message-directory cgi-data
    messages: read-directory-messages message-directory
    messages-with-keyword: copy []
    foreach xml-message messages [
        if find xml-message cgi-data/keyword [
            message-with-keyword: load/markup xml-message
            append messages-with-keyword message-with-keyword/<messageID>

display-search-form: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for searching messages for a keyword.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="search"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageID" VALUE="none"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="keyword" VALUE
="keyword"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search } cgi-input/messageType

display-search-form-forum: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for searching messages for a keyword.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="search-forum"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageID" VALUE="none"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="keyword" VALUE
="keyword"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search } cgi-input/messageType

display-search-form-classified: func [
    {Display the HTML form used for searching messages for a keyword.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="search-classified"><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME="messageID" VALUE="none"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="keyword" VALUE
="keyword"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search } cgi-input/messageType

display-create-button: func [
    {Display the HTML form used to generate a message creation form.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create-form"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="sessionID" VALUE="} cgi-input/sessionID {"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE
="Create New Message!"></FORM><P>}]

display-create-button-forum: func [
    {Display the HTML form used to generate a message creation form.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create-form-forum"><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="submit"
VALUE="Create New Message!"></FORM><P>}]

display-create-button-classified: func [
    {Display the HTML form used to generate a message creation form.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="actionType" VALUE="create-form-classified"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="messageType" VALUE="} cgi-input/messageType {"><INPUT TYPE
="submit" VALUE="Create New Message!"></FORM><P>}]

display-edit-message-button: func [
    {Display the HTML form used to generate a message editing form.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    this-messageID [string!] {The messageID of a specific message as parsed
from a string.}
    this-messageType [string!] {The messageType of a specific message as
parsed from a string.}
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="messageID" VALUE="} this-messageID {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME="messageType" VALUE="} this-messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="sessionID" VALUE="} cgi-input/sessionID {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="actionType" VALUE="edit-form"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Edit

display-delete-message-button: func [
    {Display the HTML form used to generate a message editing form.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    this-messageID [string!] {The messageID of a specific message as parsed
from a string.}
    this-messageType [string!] {The messageType of a specific message as
parsed from a string.}
    print rejoin [{<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="messages.cgi"><INPUT TYPE
="hidden" NAME="messageID" VALUE="} this-messageID {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME="messageType" VALUE="} this-messageType {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="sessionID" VALUE="} cgi-input/sessionID {"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME
="actionType" VALUE="delete"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Delete

display-comments-link: func [
    {Display a link which will will send a CGI request to show the comments
related to a message.}
    this-messageID [string!] {The messageID of a specific message as parsed
from a string.}
    this-messageType [string!] {The messageType of a specific message as
parsed from a string.}
    print rejoin [{<DIV class="commentlink"><A HREF
="messages.cgi?actionType=display-comments&messageType=} this-messageType
{&messageID=} this-messageID {">Post/View Comments</A></DIV>}]

display-comments-edit-link: func [
    {Display a link which will will send a CGI request to show the comments
related to a message.}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    this-messageID [string!] {The messageID of a specific message as parsed
from a string.}
    this-messageType [string!] {The messageType of a specific message as
parsed from a string.}
    print rejoin [{<DIV class="commentlink"><A HREF
this-messageType {&messageID=} this-messageID {&sessionID=}
cgi-input/sessionID {">Post/View Comments</A></DIV>}]

display-comments-forum-link: func [
    {Display a link which will will send a CGI request to show the comments
related to a message.}
    this-messageID [string!] {The messageID of a specific message as parsed
from a string.}
    this-messageType [string!] {The messageType of a specific message as
parsed from a string.}
    print rejoin [{<DIV class="commentlink"><A HREF
this-messageType {&messageID=} this-messageID {">Post/View

return-div-text: func [
    {Return a portion of a message, including its <DIV> tags.}
    class [string!] {A div class name}
    message [string!] {A message marked up with CSS-classed <DIV> tags.}
    /local css-tag
    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
    parse/all message [to css-tag copy text thru </div> (print text)]

return-messageID: func [
    class [string!] {A div class name}
    message [string!] {A message marked up with CSS-classed <DIV> tags.}
    /local css-tag this-messageID
    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
    parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to </div> (this-messageID:
copy text)]

return-messageType: func [
    class [string!] {A div class name}
    message [string!] {A message marked up with CSS-classed <DIV> tags.}
    /local css-tag this-messageType
    css-tag: build-tag [div class (class)]
    parse/all message [thru css-tag copy text to </div> (this-messageType:
copy text)]

message-action-cgi: func [
    {Decode CGI input and create, display, edit, or delete message(s).}
    cgi-input [object!] "Decoded CGI data as submitted from an HTML page,
most likely sent using GET with messageType and messageID sent as an
appendage to the url request."
    print "Content-Type: text/html^/"
    default-input: make cgi-input [
        messageID: "none"
    if error? try [
        stylesheet-to-load: make file! (rejoin [cgi-input/messageType
        stylesheet: read stylesheet-to-load
        stylesheet-to-load: %comments.css
        stylesheet: read stylesheet-to-load
    print {
        <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    print {<STYLE type="text/css">}
    print stylesheet
    print {</STYLE>}
    print {
    switch/default cgi-input/actionType [
        "create-form" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                display-create-form cgi-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
        "create-form-forum" [
            display-create-form-forum cgi-input
        "create-form-classified" [
            display-create-form-classified cgi-input
        "create" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
                display-messages/for-editing/with-search-form default-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
        "create-forum" [
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
        "create-classified" [
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
        "comment" [
            if error? try [
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
                comments-directory: make file! rejoin
[cgi-input/messageType {/}]
                make-dir comments-directory
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
            parent-message-input: make cgi-input [
                messageType: cgi-input/parent-messageType
                messageID: cgi-input/parent-messageID
            post-comment-input: make cgi-input [
                messageType: cgi-input/parent-messageID
                messageID: "none"
            post-comment-reverse-input: make cgi-input [
                messageID: "none"
                messageType: parent-message-input/messageID
                parent-messageID: parent-message-input/messageID
                parent-messageType: parent-message-input/messageType
            wait 1
            display-comment-form post-comment-reverse-input
        "comment-forum" [
            if error? try [
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
                comments-directory: make file! rejoin
[cgi-input/messageType {/}]
                make-dir comments-directory
                create-message/from-cgi cgi-input
            parent-message-input: make cgi-input [
                messageType: cgi-input/parent-messageType
                messageID: cgi-input/parent-messageID
            post-comment-input: make cgi-input [
                messageType: cgi-input/parent-messageID
                messageID: "none"
            post-comment-reverse-input: make cgi-input [
                messageID: "none"
                messageType: parent-message-input/messageID
                parent-messageID: parent-message-input/messageID
                parent-messageType: parent-message-input/messageType
            wait 1
            display-comment-form-forum post-comment-reverse-input
        "display" [
             if error? try
[display-messages/for-reading/for-commenting/with-search-form cgi-input][]
        "forum" [
             if error? try
[display-messages/forum-style/with-search-and-create cgi-input][]
        "classified" [
             if error? try
[display-messages/classified-style/with-search-and-create cgi-input][]
        "search" [
            searched-messages: search-messages cgi-input
            display-search-form cgi-input
            foreach searched-message searched-messages [
                search-cgi-input: make cgi-input [
                    messageID: searched-message

        "search-forum" [
            searched-messages: search-messages cgi-input
            display-create-button-forum cgi-input
            display-search-form-forum cgi-input
            foreach searched-message searched-messages [
                search-cgi-input: make cgi-input [
                    messageID: searched-message
        "search-classified" [
            searched-messages: search-messages cgi-input
            display-create-button-classified cgi-input
            display-search-form-classified cgi-input
            foreach searched-message searched-messages [
                search-cgi-input: make cgi-input [
                    messageID: searched-message
        "display-comments" [
            reverse-input: make cgi-input [
                messageID: "none"
                messageType: cgi-input/messageID
                parent-messageID: cgi-input/messageID
                parent-messageType: cgi-input/messageType
            if error? try
            display-comment-form reverse-input
        "display-comments-edit" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                reverse-input: make cgi-input [
                    messageID: "none"
                    messageType: cgi-input/messageID
                    parent-messageID: cgi-input/messageID
                    parent-messageType: cgi-input/messageType

display-messages/for-reading/for-commenting/with-search-form cgi-input
                if error? try
[display-messages/for-editing/without-search-form reverse-input][]
                display-login-form cgi-input
        "display-comments-forum" [
            reverse-input: make cgi-input [
                messageID: "none"
                messageType: cgi-input/messageID
                parent-messageID: cgi-input/messageID
                parent-messageType: cgi-input/messageType
            display-messages/forum-style/with-search-and-create cgi-input
            if error? try
[display-messages/forum-style/without-search-and-create reverse-input][]
            display-comment-form-forum reverse-input
         "edit-form" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                display-messages/for-editing/with-search-form cgi-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
         "edit" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                edit-message cgi-input
                display-messages/for-editing/with-search-form default-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
         "delete" [
            either (check-sessionID cgi-input/sessionID sessionID-timeout)
                delete-message cgi-input
                display-messages/for-editing/with-search-form default-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
        "display-login" [
            display-login-form cgi-input
        "login" [
            unencrypted-logins: decrypt read %logins.bin
            do unencrypted-logins
            login: make object! [
                userID: cgi-input/userID
                password: cgi-input/password
            login-string: make string! logins
            either all [(find/any/case login-string login/userID)
(find/any/case login-string login/password)][
                cgi-input: make cgi-input [
                    sessionID: make decimal! time-in-digits now
                display-messages/for-editing/with-search-form cgi-input
                display-login-form cgi-input
    print {

encrypt-logins: func [
    {Encrypt login usernames and passwords.}
    logins [string!] {A string containing the 'login word and a database of
usernames and associated passwords.}
    write/binary %logins.bin encrypt {logins:[["username1" "password1"]
["username2" "password2"]]}

;#                                                                  #
;#                 BOHDAN LECHNOWSKY'S ENCRYPT.R                    #
;#                                                                  #
;# REBOL [                                                          #
;#     Title:  "En-/decryption Functions"                           #
;#     Date:   20-Jul-1999                                          #
;#     Author: "Bohdan Lechnowsky"                                  #
;#     File:   %encrypt.r                                           #
;#     Purpose: "A basic encryption scheme."                        #
;#     Usage: {                                                     #
;#         Put the command:                                         #
;#                                                                  #
;#         do %encrypt.r                                            #
;#                                                                  #
;#         near the beginning of your %user.r file.  Once           #
;#         it has been run, do the following:                       #
;#                                                                  #
;#         >> write/binary %pass.r encrypt "password-here"          #
;#                                                                  #
;#         Whenever you need to assign that particular              #
;#         password, do the following (this example shows           #
;#         setting the default proxy password):                     #
;#                                                                  #
;#         system/schemes/default/proxy/pass: decrypt read %pass.r  #
;#     }                                                            #
;#   Category: [file util 3]                                         #
;# ]                                                                #
;#                                                                  #

hash: func [
    "Returns a hash value for a string"
    string [string!] value [integer!]
    (checksum string) // value

encrypt: func [
    "Encrypts a string"
    string [string!]
    /local shift-val codeword
    codeword: "mycode" ;-- change as needed
    shift-val: hash codeword 8
    if zero? shift-val [shift-val: 5]
    string: shift enbase/base compress string 2 shift-val
    to-string load append insert head string "2#{" "}"

decrypt: func [
    "Decrypts an encrypted string"
    string [string!]
    /local shift-val codeword
    codeword: "mycode" ;-- change as needed
    shift-val: hash codeword 8
    if zero? shift-val [shift-val: 5]
    string: shift/right enbase/base string 2 shift-val
    to-string decompress load append insert head string "2#{" "}"

shift: func [
    "Takes a base-2 binary string and shifts bits"
    data [string!] places [integer!] /left /right
    /local first-bits last-bits
    if any [places < 1 places >= length? data] [
        print "ERROR: Shift places exceeds length of binary data or is
        return none
    either right [
        last-bits: copy/part tail data (places * -1)
        remove/part tail data (places * -1)
        data: head insert head data last-bits
        first-bits: copy/part data places
        remove/part data places
        append data first-bits
    return data

;#              PROGRAM                 #

; if error? try [
    cgi-input: retrieve-user-data
    message-action-cgi cgi-input
;    no-cgi-input: make object! [
;        actionType: "display"
;        messageType: "news"
;        messageID: "none"
;    ]
;    message-action-cgi no-cgi-input

Ryan C. Christiansen
Web Developer

Intellisol International
4733 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo, ND 58104
701-235-3390 ext. 6671
FAX: 701-235-9940

Global Leader in People Performance Software


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