This is a question only for people who have
finished their bindology degrees.

I have made an include function, for the purpose
of "including" functions from other scripts in
another script.

It works great, except I want it to determine
which context it is in and insert the new functions

; library.r

context [
        func-one: func [... definition...
        func-two: func [... definition...
; Main Code

; this sets func-one and func-two in the global context
; to the same-named functions in the context returned
; by DOing %library.r
include [%library.r [func-one func-two]]  ; (this works)

; now, same again except I want the functions to be
; added to the object.
o: make object! [
        blah: none
        include [%library.r [func-one func-two]]

; so I should now be able to access the functions in o,

I am trying to pass in the dummy word 'blah to the include
function, so bind can use it as the known word.
But.... <drum roll...> I am having trouble. :)

I have been referring to Ladislav's "Words... Contexts" document
but I am making slow progress.

I am using Ladislav's in-object? function to determine the
object from 'blah, but how to add the functions to it?

Can anyone show an example of how to do this?

I thought of using make, with the object as a template, but
that makes a new object. I want to modify the existing
object in place. Is that possible?

Also, is it necessary to pass a known-word in to my include
function? Perhaps there is a way to determine if include
was called from within a context by checking if 'self is
defined somehow? (I tried this but that's certainly not
proof it can't be done.) Anyone have any ideas?

If I can get it to work like this I'll be real happy!

Regards to all,

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