Dr. J. J. "One Eyed CrackerJack" Harbaugh 

-----Original Message-----
Of Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:42 AM
To: Rebol-List (E-mail)
Subject: [REBOL] [STEEL] Announcement : SLiM

hi again,

Its been a while since I've posted news about the STEEL project.

As always, there is more going on behind the scenes than is visible,
but I am proceeding as planned and this night, uploaded the
preliminary document on STEEL Library Manager (codenamed SLiM, for

here is the link: http://www.rebol.it/~steel/libraries/index.html

The name is temporary, unless You guys like it. if you have good
ideas, just shoot them on the list (if you dare ;-).

SLiM itself should be available very shortly.  Not much left to do
which really needs heavy coding.

it currently already supports:
 -open files without paths (the main goal)
 -search through mutliple paths
 -An extensible requirements dialect
 -uses rebol header as much as possible.
 -optional constructor hook
 -loads code and returns an object
 -ram caching, so multiple library opens only actualy go to disk once
  (usefull for nested library calls)

to do before release:
 -use 'ENCOMPASS to add one or more refinements to
  local to the library (easy resource handling)
 -add library word export/binding to global namespace with extensive
  options for prefix and words renaming.
 -optional validate hook (lets you add your own validation for the
library)  -port all steel libraries to slim format.

all network and automatic download management will be added in version

Hope it tingles something good inside those of you who expressed a
need for the tool, cause I've spent many hours on design, discussion,
prototyping, documentation, public relations ;-), etc.

  Often, simple is longest to achieve.


Steel project coordinator

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