Here's my Library loader script:

use [Patches Files Provided Do_Script Defer_Script Script Header
Requires Provides] [
        do Patches: %Patches.r
        Files: exclude read %./ reduce [Rebol/script/header/File
        Provided: make block! 100
        Do_Script: [
                do Script
                if all [
                        not none? Provides
                        Provides: get Provides
                        any [
                                word? Provides
                                block? Provides
                        ] [
                        insert tail Provided Provides
        foreach File Files [
                Defer_Script: [
                        insert/only tail Files Script
                Script: any [
                        if block? File [
                        if all [
                                file? File
                                found? find/last File %.r
                                ] [
                                load/header File
                if Script [
                        Header: first Script
                        Requires: in Header 'Requires
                        Provides: in Header 'Provides
                        any [
                                if none? Requires Do_Script
                                if word? Requires: get Requires [
                                        either found? find Provided
Requires Do_Script Defer_Script
                                if block? Requires [
                                        either empty? exclude Requires
Provided Do_Script Defer_Script

It examines each script's header for the 'Requires and 'Provides fields,
like (from my ML.r %script):

        Requires: [Build-Tag Push Pop]
        Provides: [ML]

It doesn't attempt to do any versioning or downloading, just 'load-s and
'do-es scripts so that scripts that require words defined are 'do-ne
after scripts that provide values for those words. For the above
example, the files that provide 'Build-Tag, 'Push & 'Pop are 'do-ne
before the file containing a value for 'ML.

One problem the above script has, it that if a script requires a value
for a word that no other script provides, the above function never
returns. I haven't figured out a solution for this. Can anyone think of

Andrew J Martin
Attendance Officer
Speaking in tongues and performing miracles.
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