Hi all,

I have a problem with list & text-list vid objects.

If I set up a list with a particular font style all subsequent text-list seem to use 
the same font object ... see example the code below.

I dont want to specify a particular font style in my text-list .... (as in the real 
application there are many possible text-list's)

    text 100 
    text font [] 1000
seems to fix the problem in this particular example but in my real world application, 
which has multiple columns in the list, is doesnt seem to fix the problem.

Any ideas? ... or perhaps an explanation of how to force a seperate font object for 
the list object?

Cheers Phil

8< ---------------------------

rebol []

data1: ["Hello" "world" "here" "are" "some" "lines" "in" "a" "list"]
data2: ["This" "is" "a" "normal" "text" "list"]

lv-lay: layout [
    my-list: list with [picked: false]    
        text 100
    supply [
        if count > length? data1 [face/show?: false exit]
        face/show?: true
        ; print [count index]
        ;print [count pick data1 count]
        face/text: pick data1 count
        face/font/style: 'bold
    button "Show Text List" [
        view/new layout [text-list data data2]

view lv-lay
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