Hi Anton,
that was the old friend copy again, sigh :-[
But still I am very glad that you've made me aware of the problem :-)
Many thanks for your help!
Kind regards,
Arie van Wingerden
Anton Rolls wrote: It is a lack of copy. global/findstr: copy search-text or
find-country copy countr
It is a lack of copy.
global/findstr: copy search-text
find-country copy country-find/text
> Hi all,
> currently I am developing a small application that displays flags from
> all over the world off a website.
> There is also a search option, in order to search
Hi all,
trying to solve my problem I found an error in the argument block of the
"find-country" func.
Currently it says:
search-text /count /ptr /tmpflags
but it should be:
search-text /local count ptr tmpflags
But the problem I posted for in the first place is not solved by this patch
Hi Carl and others, below the asterisks line follows the script
rebol [
Title:"Flag Viewer"
Author:"Arie van Wingerden"
{write/lines %log mold country-flag}
global: make
Hi Arie,
Attachments are stripped with this list. If possible, just send the script in the
body of the email, or if it's too large, place it on a website (if you have one) and
just show us the URL.
-- Carl Read.
>Hi all,
>currently I am developing a small application that displays flags fr