Hi Giuseppe Chillemi
what you are asing for is not too much
I cant be sure where your lines were suppose to end but
I assume it is after the after the phone number.
one way to be sure that you do not skip over too much looking for the fax
number is to break it into individual lines when you r
Hi Giuseppe,
I don't know how you want this data returned
but to print it out you can do...
get-k: parse/all "KW1 555 KW1 333 KW2 444 " ""
== ["KW1 555 " "" "" "" " KW1 333 KW2 444 " "" "" ""]
get-k: replace/all mold get-k {" K} {"K} get-k: do get-k
== ["KW1 555 " "" "" "" "KW1 333 KW2