> << Does anyone have an internal rate of return function? >>
I use financial functions off and on - mostly in Excel, but I aim to reduce
my use of that tool if I can.
So I went a bit wild and created some functions too.
NPV - Net present value of periodic cash flows.
DCF - Discounted cash
Hi Graham,
<< I think the maths is okay, but I'm sure the way I'm doing it
is not at all economical. As far as I can tell, you have to
approximate to solve for the irr, and keep approximating
till you reach 0. >>
That's what you have to do, based on everything I found.
To unsubscri
On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:27:59 -0400
>Heh! Perhaps if I had some idea as to what internal
> rate of return meant, I could give you a hand ;)
I found this definition "The internal rate of return is the
interest rate that makes the present va
Hi Graham.
<< Does anyone have an internal rate of return function? >>
I didn't, but I had started on some simple financial functions recently. I
found a couple resources today and hacked something up that seems to work.
No guarantees. Mine is probably worse than yours as far as cleanliness but
Heh! Perhaps if I had some idea as to what internal rate of return meant, I could
give you a hand ;)
Perhaps the difference between your function and Excel's function is a matter of
rounding? Since I see no decimals in your comparative values, and they are so close,
it almost seems to s