Hello Petr

On 24-Ago-02, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> Carl Read wrote:
>> Let's. (:
>> A script's header is supposed to contain its file-name, so joining
>> that (minus the .r) to the user's language name would be the way to
>> get the file-path.
>> Maybe the language definitions should be an object?  ie, create the
>> default so...
>> locale-words: make object! [
>>    menu-item-1: "Open..."
>>    menu-item-2: "Close"
>> ]

> And also - versioning - reblets are changed dynamically - so, someone 
> posts new reblet, containing new UI item. You switch to Czech language, 
> but your catalogue is old, and item not found - will you a) stay with 
> english (default) language b) use Czech (selected) one, and on missing 
> items use default language, so e.g. new button will be in English, while 
> other UI items will be in Czech?

I think reblets are re-download every time they are updated, why don't we
update even catalog file on-the-fly?
Yes, with  a version tuple will be easy recognize obsoleted catalog, it is
not diffucult to add to my old idea :)

 version: 1.2.0
 hello-msg: "Hi! Rebolers!"

my-cat: make-catalog "app-name"

if app-version > my-cat/version 
     ; Now we must download new "user choiced laguage" catalog file
     my-cat: make-catalog "app-name"


Please Note: version check & auto-update maybe embedded into make-catalog
function definition 

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