> 1. I wish the site were built with REBOL, proud of it and showed how
> was being used. I wish it had a search tool in Rebol visible on every
> 2. http://rebol.com The home page is now a poster for IOS. Fair
enough, but
> the prominent default "TAB"  in the header navbar is "Download". The
> are pretty of of sync with the site now. IOS is a big-enough deal
that it
> would propably be best to add one called IOS and group all those
pages under
> there. .. much more I could say about this.
> 3. Pages are not dated.
> 4. There is no navigation such as "next", even though there are some
> articles which have groupings. For example go to any page where IOS is
> mentioned. The various IOS pages are all fragmented. This is supposed
to be
> commercial flagship.. better communications. No real explanation of
> status of IOS reblets. Why do some have screenshots and a date,
others say
> available now, others have no screenshot. Are they an idea, in
> scheduled for autumn 2002? Is it not possible to at least put up draft
> screenshots for them and a proposed date/status.
> 5. Important link missing For example IOS a the top of
> http://www.rebol.com/download.html should surely link its big heading
> icon like the other items on the page? At themoment there is only
tiny link
> "IOS Express" with paragraph. Given the effort RT is putting into IOS
> is what I'd call careless-death-wish web design.
> 6. NEWS vs. What's new
> There is not much in the "News" as we know. hard times. people got
> heads down busy. But there are changes to the site. But no way to
know what
> they are.. Not a hard task for Rebol to track site changes, and render
> up-date "What's New" page with links?
> <mumblemumble>

I think you are right. The previous points say the true. I totally
agree with you!

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