Hello rebol-list,

  I've been playing a bit with SQLite.dll ( http://sqlite.org ) and
  even I'm not expert in this filed at all, I manage to open db and
  execute SQL commands using this DLL. But the problem is that if you
  want to use SELECT command you must send pointer to a callback
  function which should be evaluated for each result row.

  Is there any change to get a pointer to a Rebol function?

Here are are my SQLite routine(s)!

rebol []
sqlite: load/library %/j/sqlite.dll
sqlite_open: make routine! [
        zFilename [string! ]
        mode      [integer!]
        pzErr     [string! ]
        return:   [integer!]
] sqlite "sqlite_open"
sqlite_close: make routine! [db [integer!]] sqlite "sqlite_close"
sqlite_exec: make routine! [
        db        [integer!] "pointer to open database"
        sql       [string! ] "SQL to be executed"
        callback  [integer!] "pointer to Callback function"
        cb_arg    [integer!] "1st argument to callback function"
        errmsg    [string! ] "Error msg written here"
        return:   [integer!]
] sqlite "sqlite_exec"
sqlite_version: make routine! [
        return: [string!]
] sqlite "sqlite_libversion"
sqlite_error_string: make routine! [
        int       [integer!]
        return:   [string! ]
] sqlite "sqlite_error_string"

err: copy ""
db: sqlite_open "test" 0 err
sqlite_exec db "create table t (f text);" 0 0 err
sqlite_exec db "insert into t values('test');" 0 0 err

Best regards,
 rebOldes -----------------[ http://oldes.multimedia.cz/ ]

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