The following script may be of use to those requiring a simple way of
managing a text-list. Note that the (tab) method may not be appropriate for
more complex data structures (especially if column widths vary greatly),
but I have found this works well for key / value pairs where the key is a
number / code or date of fairly consistent length.



change svv/vid-styles/text-list/init/75/4/6 'gold
stylize/master [slider: scroller]

record-list: copy []
repeat cnt 20 [insert record-list reform [cnt "^-" now/date]]

modify-list: func [face /update-row row-to-update /add-row row-to-add] [
     either update-row [
          replace face/data face/picked/1 row-to-update
          either add-row [
               insert face/data row-to-add
               remove find face/data face/picked/1
          face/sld/data: 0
          face/sn: 0
          face/sld/redrag face/lc / max 1 length? head face/lines
     show face

view layout [
     lst: text-list data record-list as-is
     btn "Update"   [modify-list/update-row lst reform [random 100 "^-" now/time]]
     btn "Add"      [modify-list/add-row lst reform [random 100 "^-" now/time]]
     btn "Delete"   [modify-list lst]




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